
Yes, but more relevant to her, Deen’s lawyer will say it with a defamation filing in civil court. It is absolutely awful that she has to couch her statement in such terms, but if she says the wrong thing, Deen could absolutely make a case for defamation on narrow grounds.

Deen has a legal outlet. There is a very specific reason why his attorney told him to use the word “defamation” in his initial response to Stoya’s allegations, and why he has not subsequently commented. If Deen wants his day in court, he can get it. All he has to do is file a civil suit for defamation of character,

I’m a lawyer. It is.

Voltaire isn’t exactly required reading these days.

Nothing you said was inaccurate or in any way wrong... and it doesn’t matter. This election, “Not Republican” is good enough and is the only standard worth caring about. Why? Because Stephen Bryer is 74, Antonin Scalia is 76, Anthony Kennedy is 76, and Ruth Bader Ginsberg is 79. The next president will almost

how fucked is it that this guy is still what passes for moderate and reasonable on the right?

use promo code DRAFTGHAZI and receive a matching bonus of up to $200...

because the court ruled that the defense never actually had to make that argument. Instead, they held that the plaintiff had to make the argument that paying players wouldn’t harm the product (or ratings).

why can’t it be both?

wait... i don’t understand. Did.... did you.... wait.... Did you just bring actual evidence to an internet fight???

If you had bothered to read my comment, you’d have found that i don’t care that it is narcissistic bullshit about herself.

I want to just scream obscenities at you. Jesus fucking christ, for five minutes this morning, i got to imagine what it would be like if i got to live in a reality where my two biggest fears aren’t“she’s going to say no” and “what if she says yes???” because i’m well over 450 lbs and haven’t had positive sexual

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for missing the entire point of the article, you judgmental asshole.

1. Well, this comment section predictably turned into missing the forest for the trees as everyone scrambled to determine if the author is or is not properly fat.

Obviously, stealing playbooks or play sheets would be dirty pool, and filming a practice is probably on that level too. But why on earth would filming the signals called from the sidelines during a game be against the rules? How could filming something that is happening out in the open in front of 60,000+ people

He doesn’t sound crazy, he sounds boring (and boorish). I lived in Fayetteville for three years during law school and if nature is your thing, the scenery is gorgeous. There are also some good places to eat, a decent college bar scene in Fayetteville, and Razorback baseball.

That’s not that uncommon in rural america. Petty bureaucracy often becomes a family business.

forget that this is good kinja, “Twitteroids”. That’s a GREAT new word.

So wait a second, she’s a Marine Lieutenant, a former White House intern, has a J.D. AND a separate doctorate? And she’s an accomplished athlete/dancer (which one must be to be an NFL cheerleader)? Shouldn’t this headline by “Wealthy Solder Returns Home To Greet His Way More Awesome And Accomplished Wife”?

Northwest Arkansas (Bentonville, to be exact) is the home of Crystal Bridges, one of the finest art museums in the country.