
No. EA killed SimCity in 2013 with it’s always online, multiplayer bullshit. That’s the only reason Skylines even got a foothold on the market in 2015. If SimCity 5 had been released, instead of the SimCity Online Multiplayer Cash Grab Shitgame, expanding on the awesome SimCity 4, Skylines would have been DOA.

Dude’s mad because he saw BROWN PEOPLE in it.

This person is going around in this world, in their 30s or 40s, with a brain that works like this. I’d say people like this shouldn’t be allowed in public, but I suppose he probably doesn’t leave his basement all that often anyways.

It means “I’d grow as a person if only I weren’t a mewling intellectual coward.”

A right-wing bigot is mad that the art style reminds him (it’s definitely a him) of Tumblr.

What the fuck does this comment even mean?!

Video games are great. “Gamers” are fucking trash. Makes me embarrassed to admit I love video games sometimes. 

These must be the same morons that bitched about the art style in Windwaker when it was announced. As a big Monkey Island fan, the fresh art style is one of the most exciting aspects of the new game for me. Keep up the good work, Ron and team!

A friend was laid off last week 2 hours after an all hands assuring everyone they weren’t “laying everyone off”. I would guess it’s a way to keep people from destroying work or causing havoc before they can revoke access.

to whoever reads this, if you lost money in the cryptocrash:

Hideo and the Kojimas
Come on, now, don’t be shy
Me, myself, and I and him (that’s me!)
Are all the same guy ♪

I will undoubtedly catch flack for this BUT I cannot stand this man. He made like three good games(in my opinion) and has been riding that wave since. Death stranding and MGS5 were god awful. He seems so into himself that it infuriates me anytime there is news coverage. Again, this is all my personal opinion. 

offering an adventure unlike anything Diablo players have experienced before.

Artyom would be proud of his creator.

It’s the same issue with Star Wars fans - it’s not as if everyone enjoying a universally popular entertainment is human garbage, but people self-identifying as a “gamer” or “Star Wars fan” are deliberately climbing into the ring with some toxicity. 

Navigating gaming culture to find like-minded people with the same interest is such a minefield. Even when you think you’ve found the exceptions and you’re just casually chatting about Pokemon or Katamari or some other game that doesn’t seem like it should appeal to shitty people, someone will suddenly drop, “I

No love for El Fuerte?

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.

Tell that to the “Christians” in the US that are obsessed with the idea that we’re trying to wipe straight (and white) people out (it’s always the same people stuck on “white replacement”). It’s the same kind of nonsense.

“I don’t agree with how he went about it, but it’s his religion and we have to respect it just like people apart of the lgbtq community should be respected,” another replied.