
Yeah, walking the halls of Congress especially...

Square Enix Boss Disappointed With Sales” might as well be the company’s slogan at this point. I can’t remember the last title they weren’t disappointed with.

He’s gotta be kidding right?  Hasn’t he seen the backlash over the past year?  I hope NFT games fail so much itll discourage MTX experiments in the future.

On the plus side, when they do release these NFT games, at least they’re clearly already used to being disappointed.

“We also hope that you will look forward to the blockchain games we plan to launch in FY2024/3 and thereafter.”

Pretty sure Haunting Ground has better controls than any of the Fatal Frames.

G4 was always trash. So what?

One fucked up review doesn't really reflect a lot but the the reviewer themselves, to jump to say "yeah people used JRPG as some sort discriminatory label" seems overreacting 

You yungins have no idea how SHIT TV was in the 2000's. Us older millenials had to endure Music no longer showing on TV, shit, after shit reality TV series, and the last bastion of decent basic cable taking a dump when TechTV got bought out by Comcrap and Gfucking4.

Not to kick a wasp’s nest here but I think your definition needs to be a bit more detailed. Otherwise anyone can decide to be offended by anything and claim exclusive right with whether or not that thing should exist. In some cases, it’s painfully obvious when that should be true, but it’s also a pretty easy “rule” to

“Highly skilled amateurs” don’t illegally scrape hundreds of thousands of works from other people without their knowledge or consent.

Do us all a favour, follow up on that urge and just leave. Just do it, waddle off into your AI future and leave the actual humans alone. 

“When did everyone suddenly go from insisting commercial art isn’t art”

I like how you just slide right on over and past literally one of the most important and biggest sticking points in this whole discussion, which is the rights of the artists on whose backs this derivative, hacky garbage is being spit out.

No snark intended, but given that two of those three things basically permeates every single aspect of our lives, I’m not sure how you have any conversations...

short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times

I like how people have watered down the meaning of “outrage” to the point that it’s now just used to describe anyone having any point of view whatsoever.

Oh, did I say that? I meant “steal from passionate creators who built their own skills and call it your own work”, hence the “War on Artists - because they’re ‘privileged’”.

Told you that these corporate/tech bro shills are trying to turn creative human labor obsolete through AI. There’s a reason they’re trying to criminalize artists in general - they’re forcing an ‘easy’ and ‘ethical’ narrative that benefits only them. For instance, they call artist “privileged” because they built their

Please stop using this slideshow format, its so awful and hostile to your readers. Is this system just a leftover from when ad companies could be tricked with inflated page view numbers?