
Elon Musk declaring himself a conservative two weeks ago to forestall sexual assault investigations is the funniest thing ever because no one fights harder to protect billionaires and sex pests than conservatives, and they’re eager to do it for free.

He’s like a real-life Tony Stark!

Zip2 was his brothers idea. Daddy funded it with dirty apartheid money.

apologies for the ancient meme, but your post and replies are literally this

“I’m trolling you!

1. Zip2 ($22m), PayPal ($165m), Tesla ($8.5b), SpaceX ($100+b)

1) Bought with money made by exploiting South Aftricans during apartheid. Also, how much coding you think he did on any of those?

I am embarrassed for you and your parents.

You’re gonna have to get better at it, child, because this is like 2005-level “trolling.” You didn’t even accuse anyone of pedophilia - you’re gonna have to start doing that if you’re ever going to get to suck Musk’s dick.

We both thoroughly enjoy trolling strangers, primarily liberals, for our enjoyment.

Stop worshiping this weirdo; it’s creepy.

he’s not gonna fuck you, dude

He’s not one of you, either, and he will never know who you are, which makes your delusion all the more sad  

one of the most innovative men to ever live.

Yawn, another (liberal) author for a video game website trying to take a hit at one of the most innovative men to ever live.”

Never takes long for a Musk bro to show up and post something cringy and hilarious.   

He’s insanely rich because he started out ridiculously rich because of apartheid South Africa, I think you can guess

Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.

What game did you play? Almost every single splicer goes down in 2-3 hits, headshots are instant on almost everyone as well. The only thing you’d put dozen of rounds into are Big Daddy fights which are almost entirely optional and are few and far between each section anyways.