
Irony’s a hell of a thing to commit to. You could just watch a good film, you know?

its kinda fucked but i would say only about half of the really problematic ones are genuinely terrible. There is a large portion of the right that is in actuality just dead certain that tucker carlson is correct and they have everyone’s best interest at heart. i.e. they really think racial minorities would be happier

Conservatism is a disease.

When he showed up on screen, I gasped.  I wasn’t expecting Haley Atwell, or Anson Mount either.

From the moment Strange battles Evil Strange with music until America finds herself is a wonderful Raimi ride. Those spirits battling Christine was pure, perfect Raimi. Even their voices. The movement of the demons also felt different from other CGI Marvel. More Army of Darkness stop-motion feel. I dug it and then the

I’m so tired of these articles putting this person over. She literally contributes nothing of value to society and you guys are fawning over her like she matters.

This is FOX, so many Sci-Fi series cancelled before they had even finished airing their season.

No, what’s ridiculous is claiming a game’s ludonarrative dissonance bothered you so much and made you feel so uncomfortable that you felt you had to stop playing it.

Knowing Kojima’s obsession with making his games like films (even though it really doesn’t work and comes off as almost egotistical “auteur syndrome” at this point) I’m surprised he didn’t liken it to the LOTR extended cuts, i.e. additional footage that really doesn’t fit into the story and in fact ruins the pacing in

They don’t really release exclusives because people like it. They do it to sell consoles. 

I agree with Mackie’s larger point that fans should stop trying to read queer subtext into every close male relationship in film. People have been doing the shipping thing for a long time now in fandom circles, and it’s really not great. When there’s this push to say “oh, Frodo and Sam are definitely gay,” it degrades

I’m an xbox stan (I just hate a lot of the decisions Sony does with their consoles as well as just having a chip on my shoulder from the N64/Gamecube days on the playground) but there is a difference between what Microsoft is doing and what Sony is doing. Sony exclusives were never coming to other consoles. they were

What? Those games are made by Sony studios. Bethesda was a 3rd party studio making games that were multiplatform for decades. Even if Xbox owns them now they were not XBOX games and those games would have 100% hit Playstation consoles.

It is clear you do not understand the entire point of this article.

You either die a successful, creative, inventive studio unappreciated by a mass audience, or you live long enough to release a co-op shooter...

It’s clearly not horseshit when the same bugs and problems and limitations appear in their games every year they came out. Fallout 76 included bugs from fucking Oblivion, so don’t fanboy this.

90s animated series will always be “my” Peter Parker, but there’s no denying this guy’s legacy.

I feel that I have to push back against this a bit. If I see someone whose gender matters to me at all and who appears male, who is wearing male clothing, who uses a male name, I’m going to assume that person is male for the same reason that I’m going to assume that person has not visited Mozambique...because it’s

[...]none of us should assume anyones’ gender.

NFT’s need to go away already.

Sooooo much of Army of the Dead can be summed up as, “Plus, it was done better in [better movie X] anyway.