
“Still pleaded for fewer fifths than I have.” - Vin Baker

First off let me start off by saying “ All Praise Due To The Most High.”

A player has the ball long enough to be the runner when, after he squeezes the potato with his greedclaw and his thundertrunk suctions to the swampy grass, he is capable off warding of a hex from the Field Magi, swallowing the potato outright, gallivanting to the dusky dimension via mirrorpool or fog portal, or filing

But on the flip side, I would show up to more office meetings if that kinda shit was gonna happen.

except that a liberal arts major knows to put the period inside the quotation marks.

“I don’t know, honey. Those shots look doctored.”

Haters gonna say it’s fake.

If you can’t say it in plain language, I don’t believe that you know what it means.