Dierdre Jones
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Because I couldn’t not... This is 18 and 19 year old TER walking the runway with Thierry Mugler! Back in the 90's when models were allowed to be quirky people on the runway. (And now I need to watch George Michael music videos..)

On a very deep level, I am morbidly curious as to what Ashlee and Diana and/or Ashlee and Tracee talk about at family functions.

oh my goodness our standards have dropped so low that a journalist (i.e. professional writer) is offered a cookie for getting basic subject-verb agreement correct

Being that the project started under Obama, Trump will no doubt want to repeal and replace it.

I fear that, by 2020, the Mars Rover will be fully tasked with searching for Jesus’ footprints on Mars and/or proving the planet is flat.

ANGELIQUE!!! Missed you, hun. (Hope you got some help.) 

#firstworldproblems. I’m glad that was the most pressing concern you had as you flew through a hurricane

(Replying to you because I’m grey and my original comment disappeared and hopefully now at least one person will see it, apologies for putting the pressure on you)

.They’re wretched scum to degrees I couldn’t even imagine as a vitriolically anti-Trumper from the start.

Everybody gets a participation trophy. How nice.

Every cabinet member appears to be in a deranged competition to see who can do the most brazenly awful things.

It’s this weird-ass sort of eugenics they’re wanting to do. If you can’t “hack it” through their bullshit American hazing ritual — involving being the right skin color, conforming to certain cultural roles they want to enforce, etc — you just don’t make it and out you go. By removing forced protections, they’re


I guess I don’t understand. Why is it a bad thing to protect against sex discrimination? Or to keep pollution out of our air & water? Or to pay people equally for the same job? Or to have regulations in place to keep buildings from falling down or people from being poisoned? I just can’t wrap my mind around whatever

Can anyone else not see the greys? I can click where it says pending but the show pending button is gone.

It’s a very curated snapshot. You can see very little of the face to be honest, only one side of the jaw.

It would be bring no small amount of joy if it were discovered that she had overstayed her work visa and was thus an illegal immigrant. By which I mean I would be skipping down the sidewalk to and from work for a month after her bony ass got deported.

I’m usually the one to post this, so thanks and good luck with the untold amounts of bullshit you are about to have piled on you.

What do you mean ‘WE made a mistake???’

That’s true. It wasn’t common but some people did film live broadcasts for all sorts of reasons.