Dierdre Jones

I had originally assumed a Foursquare mayor. Imagine my surprise.

I’m from Stillwater (moved away in 1999), and never heard. I just emailed my various family members to ask them if they had ever heard. My mom says she and my dad sort of know/knew him and had no idea. They also didn’t know he ever drove a school bus.

Compared to the current occupant of the White House....

Stillwater is among the poorest of the poor in Saratoga County, a notoriously red-leaning county. This guy is smack in the middle of Trump territory. Poor, ignorant, white trash who have lived through factory collapse after factory collapse. Too stupid or lazy to take advantage of every re-training program available

What about the lady who shits in the dressing rooms at the Walmart?

But he was accused multiple times of victimizing children as a school bus driver IN THE SAME TOWN! As a small town gal myself, I can’t believe people hadn’t heard.

He should run for President.

So, a known kiddie fiddler was elected mayor.

Eating is cheating.


I may be wrong, but I believe all gifts to the President either remain there (in a museum? at the White House? Not sure where) or the President has to buy them at market price if he (or she one day soon, please!) wants to keep them after office. I wonder if anyone has told Trump this?

Donnie is gonna be pissed when he finds out that he is not allowed to keep the gifts:

I never understood shaming at the gym. Isn’t that where we are SUPPOSED to go to get the fitness we need??

Good gravy people when are you going to stop looking for “magic weight loss” solutions. The only way to do it is to change your eating habits and exercise. The majority of weight loss is going to come from your eating habits, loss from exercise is going to level off at a certain point.

What about dad-anger? Does it offer any relief from dad-anger? Because if I step on one more fucking Lego, I swear to God I’m going to burst into flames.

I started taking it, about a half shot in the morning, one in the afternoon & it has stopped my acid reflux, allowing me to stop taking prescription strength medicine that I was on for a decade...so it can be helpful in some areas...but my dad-hairline still exits.

*Wakes up......Reads story.....Grabs a fifth of Jack Daniels and goes back to bed.

I do wonder if the Trump administration realises that being shitty to foreigners has an impact on tourism and business.

How much do you want to bet that 45 is counting on violent resistance when ICE sweeps across the US on Tuesday/Wednesday invading schools and churches yanking kids and family members out and shipping them like cattle out of the country?