Dierdre Jones

“Amazon’s New Headquarters Should Be In Hell.”

It’s not climate change. Swamp gas from a weather balloon was trapped in a thermal pocket and reflected the light from Venus, that’s all.

Ha! I was just telling someone the other day (when a TS song came on after, for some reason Madonna’s Music) “you know, we were really too hard on Madonna.”

This is a very important role, because if there’s more than 40 dots he’ll never get the work completed before nap time…

I knew it!

I’m surprised, I would think there would be more talk around town about it considering her entire persona is about her male partners!! I thought the worst kept lesbian secret was kendall jenner

TS is gay?? omg and more on how her team are monsters pls

Also, snatch, that fucking Ombré blue hair is 2009. You ugly and your momma dresses you funny.

I don’t even care about TS but it sounds like you have the inside scoop. Dish it!

Raf Simons is the current creative director of Calvin Klein.

Absolutely. He had the skill of a Savile Row tailor, the finish of a couture wizard, and the imagination of a rare genius. I like “rudie nudie” as a term so much, I hereby declare it the official and preferred usage to “cheek chic”, etc.

This is go to jail territory for sure. May be 6 months in low security like Martha Stewart, but jail nonetheless.


Sans high-cut bodysuit, the pants remind me of Alexander McQueen’s bumsters.

This is insider trading right? These guys are going to be charged with securities fraud, face a judge and receive a stern finger wagging and a slap on the wrist that might turn red, right?

And if adults die and disappear in Derry at six times the national rate with an even higher percentage of kids kids being affected, as Ben (Jeremy Ray Taylor) reports, why is this group of 13-year-olds the only people in town that seem at all concerned by this?

Not hate. They exposed the origin stories of Scientology and Mormonism and pointed out flaws in the stories. I don’t think that’s hate. In fact, on the Mormon episode, the Mormon kid commented on how he liked his religion despite the flaws because it gave him a pretty good life. One of the show’s main characters is

I am so looking forward to you playing this game.

Keep telling yourself that.

Lol, sure they are.