Forty Six & 2

The franchise is stepping up its defenses with Obi-Wan, whose mastery of Form III, Soresu, will keep the haters at bay!

I mean... that excuse was easily the best one. They were scraping his soul out of his body like it was a waffle cone and his soul was the rocky road. Saying his powers took a hit coming out of that makes sense.

Same thing rather hilariously happens in Kingdom Hearts.

I hope the sequel has more Mad TV alumni. Give me a Will Sasso, Stephnie Weir, or a Mo Collins. Hell I’ll settle for a Frank Caliendo or even a Josh Meyers.

You may already watch it, but if you haven’t, I very highly recommend the Deep Dive from FilmJoy on youtube. They watch ‘bad’ movies for the specific purpose of finding things they love about them.

Attack of the Clones isn’t a great movie but it holds a great place in my heart

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While I’m trying to maintain reasonable expectations, I am super psyched for the upcoming KOTOR remake.

Did anyone else think the woman in the trailer was the woman from those insane Lily’s Garden game ads?

“The ‘forgetting’ set in...”

And just imagine someone over 30 playing a video game?

This is the Sonic equivalent of FMA fans bringing up Nina in every topic.

The article fails to mention that while it’s started by the art director of the new XCOM, most of the team worked on Civilization. So it might be a 4x game

I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately...

First off, a star for the Tool-referencing username.

Although I’ve never played one, I’ve always found the KH games pretty interesting. Never played simply because i don’t care much for the classic Disney characters. However, after seeing KH4, I may just pick it up and give it a go.

how hilarious would it be if they explained how Palpatine came back through a kingdom hearts game?!

The Disney/Final Fantasy crossover stuff is the only thing that makes this series interesting. Yeah, it’s lame as all hell, but it’s also got a weird kind of hyperactive fanfiction energy you don’t really find elsewhere (outside of fanfiction, I guess), while the rest of it just kinda feels like baseline Nomura

Imagine a Gargoyles area... :o

I’m curious, do you actually know anything about the KH series or are you just talking from an outside perspective? 3 pretty much wrapped up the arc that all the other games had been leading up to and this is essentially the start of a new story arc.