
Especially from a guy with "Audi" in his username — because you know he probably actually put his fingers in his ears and made the noises.

As an E60 M5 owner who thought $24k for that car was obviously a better choice than $24k for a new BRZ I can definitely feel this article. 500HP vs 200HP. Heated leather seats that automatically hug you in the corners vs cloth seats. 12.8 MPG when I drive it fairly gentle vs maybe 25 MPG when I'd trash the living

It's a testament to them that I could listen to this show with my wife and both of us would be entertained. And we were absolutely geeked when we first watched Cars and saw them perfectly cast as the old Dodge A100 and Dart.

I used to mow lawns, do gardening, and move heavy things around for rich old ladies on Sundays... it was a monotonous job that I looked forward to because I had Tom and his brother Ray yappin' away in my headphones.

For a threat, they still sound entirely way too polite.

Sauber have now only to focus on looking ahead. It will change hugely for them.

About as realistic as any of the other options to be honest. With Domenicali there, it just got interesting. Audi's denial about its F1 intentions also wasn't really a denial, was it?

There's nothing like driving around in a 10-year-old luxury sedan and just knowing that, at any moment, your air suspension could break and cost approximately one-and-a-half NA Miatas to replace. Fortunately, you won't have that problem with this particular 2006 Audi A8 if you spring for the CarMax warranty, which

Honest question — why do you say this is reliable? Everyone said E39 M5 was reliable until VANOS started breaking and costing $5k. Everyone said E46 M3 was reliable until subframe problems showed up. Everyone said 335i would be great until all the engine issues. Why take the chance? This is a company that has

The way I'd drive it, it would become unreliable.

Any ASE certified mechanic supposedly. I take it to the dealer because they charge the highest labor rate and why not stick it to CarMax?

Give it a few years then. I'm 4 years out of college and I just got this at Carmax about 1.5 months ago. Out of your budget for now...but save 15k and you're there!

i can't believe someone sold their 1M///

Subaru STI.. It makes me smile :)

That really is disturbing. RIP. My heart goes to his family.

I get it they don't want the races to be too close together geographically but, if one track is a road course and one is an oval the racing is different enough that I think there would be enough fans to support both. Plus, if they put the races back to back it could save the teams money.

That co-driver sounds welsh to me.

The difference between the truck and the BMW?