Morgan 3 wheeler, Nash Metropolitan, or BMW 2002 Tii
Morgan 3 wheeler, Nash Metropolitan, or BMW 2002 Tii
This happen to a small local track in Colorado, where most us learned the race craft at. Developers came in a built up around it, eventually restricting and ultimately shuttering the track.
Oh mighty japanese automotive spirit, please, please let this magical being grace us mere peasants with it’s precesence on this lowley isle of america. For this we promise 2 Hail Motegi’s and 4 Our Suzuka’s. Amen.
I met a lady once that actually bought one. She bosted how it listed for $49k and she got it for $41k. She was very proud of herself.
They bring one out to the Pikes Peak Hill Climb every year.
That noise! That is the noise i want as my new alarm clock every morning. It’s like waking up to serenade from amazonian vixens
The person on road trips that refuses to adhere to the rules of the “Navi” on road trips, but won’t sit in the back because they get “sick.”
Hold the phone!! Clarkson was caught riding "his" Bicycle? I smell conspiracy is a foot!
At that point I drove home using my left hand for the gas and my right hand for everything else. After a bit of practice I was able to double-clutch and blip the throttle as well. Fortunately 1 hour of the drive was Interstate so I was able to put it cruise (rolled the window up on the wire to hold it in place.)"
If I ever have to move. I'm going to to my damnedest to keep my green plates.
Too old to be rental.
There are good Californians, I'm just up in the boulder area, so they are all "college" transplants.
We all know, hell has no fury like "California" plates in Colorado snow. Hell I saw a rollover on the way to work this morning on a dead straight 2-lane 25 mph road during morning rush hour traffic and low a behold the car had California plates.
747 allows for the split level layout. Comms housed in the dome allows for more security of the Comms system. If you don't have the clearance, you don't get to go up the stairs.
61-70% Jalop. I guess my car needs to be brown, rwd and a diesel to be 100% Jalop.
If i'm not mistaken there was a Jack stand in use under the car right in front of the wheel. Not saying it was the safest way to do it but it wasn't the near death trap the picture leads you to believe.
Glad your were able to make it out to nationals! For those of you who have been considering going to a Rallycross or even going racing, come out to a Rallycross! Amazing fun on the cheap. Heck our region even has a couple guys we call "team Rental" because they literally rent a car from xyz rental car and race it…
It's so cool. Sooooo cool. It's chaotic mechanical ballet that shouldn't work, but somehow does. A few times, I'd put it up or down half way, get out of the car, and take pictures of it, astounded that Porsche put something like this into production, and then I'd laugh at the future person who purchases one out of…