
Interesting take on the holiday season. Despite the car they're legally limited to 80-100 km/h (50-62 mph) depending on the country in Europe when towing that caravan, which must be incredibly boring in a BTCC car.

Love it in white, but can we have this thing of beauty in some retro Castrol Livery please. Thanks.

Nothing like something like this make you feel like you've wasted your life.

Shit I can do that.

Or if you don't like problem-riddled trucks and perpetually broken brittish cars...

Circuit of the Americas. It's wide enough that you don't have to run half the race under caution when the cars inevitably crash every 15 minutes, it appears to be made of American flags, the stands would fill to the brim, and because America.

Not for the bread. For that.

did you see all the stupid ass disclaimers at the bottom??? Yea me neither!!!

and the team was apparently able to remotely control the horn, door locks, headlights, and moonroof remotely while the Model S is in motion....

Shhhhut uuuup....

Thanks for making me miss my JDM V7 STi Swapped 2.5RS.... asshole.

The Buffalo Bills were down 35-3 and came back to win vs. the Oilers....This is like...being down 72-3.

I own a rare RB5 Prodrive (444 were built) with all of the factory upgrades. I've had this car for a long time now and love it even if it costs a lot and regularly has problems!

I guess I'm a bit jaded on the rarity front. Here in Colorado they are very easily accessible. I do agree on the looks front however, they still look fantastic. And the more people buy these, the more people forget about my favorite 90's Subaru, the Legacy SS, which means more for me. :-D

Time and time again, Volvo proves that not only can they build a solid car, but that they also have some of the best PR and marketing people under their roof.