
Glad he's alright but it was the turn 5 rumble strips that got him Patrick. Really rough and not much help in the traction dept.

What was that noise immediately after impact?

"Now you be careful, motorcycles are dangerous." she says, while the person who asked is driving a full size SUV, one hand holding the phone and the other a big gulp, steering with their knees.

Sometimes, the truth hurts.

My biggest takeaway from this is that a Light Colonel can afford a 120k car.

hes got a cube or some crap like that.

I live about a mile from the scene of the second (fatal) crash, and while I wasn't on that stage when it happened I have heard first hand from witnesses that the people concerned were repeatedly asked to move by the marshals and other spectators, and sadly, refused to do so, returning to their position after being

you blow into the cartridge and put it in that slot in the middle, right?

Audi allroad. Every service or replacement requires you to take the entire front of the car off. Want to change the thermostat? It will end up looking like this:

Brabus already has stores in 106 countries

Yes, yes, yes.... Oh no, no, nonoNONONO NO!!!

I take it this isn't mudders, lifted bro trucks, bikini girls gone wild and basically Florida?

Infographic needs a flow chart.

This is no different that watching my mother in law turn her E-Class Mercedes around in my 30'-wide driveway, or my sister in law navigate her CC through a parking deck in Atlanta. I mean, the tolerances are tighter, but the process, control inputs, and number of collisions are basically the same.

wow, cool name, where'd they get that from?

"Yes... a prank..."