This is correct. Donald Trump only wants things that people more successful than him want. You could convince him that wind turbines are the greatest thing since sliced bread if you could convince Elmo to tell him Canada is “winning at wind.”
This is correct. Donald Trump only wants things that people more successful than him want. You could convince him that wind turbines are the greatest thing since sliced bread if you could convince Elmo to tell him Canada is “winning at wind.”
I’ll believe that when I see them suffering.
I’m not suggesting literal perfection here. Humans obviously aren’t perfect either. But in the context of driving a car, “100%” means being able to handle every situation as well as a human being can, at the very least. And FSD (or anybody’s Level 2) is very far from being able to do that.
I think people overestimate the impact the names have in this case. The name might convince you to buy, but it’s how these systems work that lulls you into a false sense of security. I have argued with plenty of other Tesla owners that will swear on a stack of bibles that FSD is amazing and they feel so relaxed after…
And apparently, more than half the country is OK with that because they voted the fucker back in.
And 10 days in, how is this Trump’s fault, as the staffing report is from 2023! I believe this lands on Biden and Mayor Pete.
If Trump’s buyout offer really did include ATCs then he’s doing worse than the nothing past presidents have done. He is wrecking shit to such an extent it makes even my normally non-conspiratorial mind wonder if he’s not working for someone other than... us.
Agreed. The intelligent, adult, sane thing to do (which Trump obviously would never do) is wait until we at least know whether this was probably caused by bad directions in the tower or by pilot error. Because the latter is always possible too.
I’m a local. Some congress critter from flyover country is already trying to rename Dulles (IAD) to Trump.
What’s your first hand experience with FSD?
Don’t most robotaxi companies currently testing have, like, 5 LIDARs each or some shit? These don’t even have one...
This is why I don’t get the optimism of investors thinking this is just going to go on greased skids now that Musk is in with the new administration.
Yesterday my wife was behind a Model 3 with a sticker that said “I like my Tesla, not Elon Musk”, or something similar. Kinda sucks that normal people that wanted an electric car for whatever reason now have to deal with this guy’s shit.
He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew he’d follow it up by hilariously gaslighting everyone claiming we didn’t see what we saw. The “my heart goes out to you” thing is such ridiculous bullshit, I can barely believe anyone is repeating it, even on their side. His face is twisted in an angry defiant grimace. …
We never talk about the possibility that just maybe these giant corporations don’t NEED to set record profits every single quarter for eternity.
I guess it depends who we’re talking about. Let’s remember that it wasn’t the MAGA die-hards that gave him the last election. They of course want to claim his victory means “the people” are behind his every campaign agenda item, but this just isn’t true.
And I appreciate the air-quotes on “objective” there because lately the Right thinks that means their lies need to be given equal time with the truth. And it’s not our fault Trump can’t open his mouth without lying.
I feel for them too, but this is where we are. We couldn’t TELL people concerned with the economy why Trump would make things worse, rather than better. They simply wouldn’t believe us no matter how many dots we connected for them. No matter what logic we used.
Who am I kidding? The Trump Bible probably edited Matthew to add, “... as long as they are straight, white, and Christian.”