Fine, we’ll just have to wait for Apophis.
Has anyone checked if Trumpelon chose Russian or Chinese keyloggers?
45 was the low bar... He’s just conga’d under that bar.
Thats really the hope. He cocks it up so bad we get to oust a lot of the fucks at midterms.
Republicans have the ability to drive down the street and see maybe 35-40% of human beings as ‘people’ and the rest as NPCs who aren't really covered by the Constitution.
And lo, did King David pay Bathsheba 137,000 shekels to keep her damn mouth shut.
Irony isn’t dead, y’all!
So....the stock will only rise by 300% instead of 400?
> if you have to remain as vigilant as if you were yourself driving the car
Man, what’s with the frantic over-reaction from MTG?
Oh, but these are originalists. They would never make a ruling that went against the original intent of the Constitution...
Musk may get the feds out of his business, but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of ambulance-chasing attorneys, out there, that will be the bane of his existence if there are no government “standards” to hide behind.
Can’t wait for the plot of Wolverines to become a reality!
Just stage some packages filled with low-impact explosives, enough to maim but not kill the thieves. Let greed and criminality combined with chemistry and later damaged physiology fix the prob for ya.
A 1994 Ford Probe GT in midnight blue, 5 spd manual, and chrome wheels. I fucking loved it. Bought it used when I started college. Sure, it wasn’t a Japanese sport coupe; those were more expensive. And while it only had 164 hp, it was a jewel of an engine, and had tires as wide as my forearm and handled like a dream.…
Tesla recently released an updated version of the software called Actually Smart Summon or ASS
So this year we’ve spent 12.5-ish% of, in 2024 dollars ($11.2 billion in 2008 is $16.4 billion today), a GM bail out to subsidize the cost of EV’s.