
The weird thing is, he tried it. Remember? For about two or three weeks back in early March 2020, he decided he was gonna style himself a “wartime president” fighting an “invisible enemy”. He even said Americans would have to sacrifice and endure some hardship like the WW2 generation did. It was all very patriotic

The deeply weird thing about Trump and his crowds is... even as much as he loves hearing people cheer for him, he fucking HATES the actual people doing it. He complained how “low class” the people breaking into the Capitol for him were. It’s been said he was even happy COVID made it so he didn’t have to shake hands

We need less apathetic Democrats in red states that see their vote as pointless because of shitty antics like these.

Yeah, Patrick’s not wrong that (currently) the vaccination rate in the black population is less than the rate in the white population... it just doesn’t support any of his conclusions. He said “biggest group” which is not a statement about rates. It’s a statement about size. And the biggest group, by size, of

Not quite. It IS based on what he tells them. It’s just that his control isn’t absolute. He can’t whip them up into a lather about something for this long and then reverse course a year later. He tells them to get vaxxed now and all they hear in their pea brains is, “Wait! You mean like Fauci has been telling me to

I’m not gonna say paranoia exactly. But I don’t think we’re just taking the vaccine companies at their word either. They might be saying right now we need boosters but plenty of scientists are saying, “uh... no, we need more data”. So I’m good letting that play out. I’m not running out to get a booster shot just

That wasn’t fighting. It was merely delaying.

I feel like this game got a lot of positive buzz that it didn’t deserve.

Yeah, but slotting heat sink mods means you’re not slotting something else that might give you better damage or more accuracy.  It’s on you to decide if being able to fire continuously was more worth it than a shorter burst of higher damage.

That stunt was never going to work or last. It drew attention to the situation, but it didn’t accomplish fuck-all else.

So, basically, Trump kills.

I don’t know if it’s lowest in Texas, but Michael misread the vax statistics. Whites are more vaccinated in Texas than blacks by percentage. It just doesn’t make anything that asshole Patrick said true though.  Which means the overall point of the article is still correct.

The article (with citation) is correct. You’re wrong.

Well, I wouldn’t say quicker.  It’s definitely the longer way and the one involving more dead children... but that seems to be okay with folks like #DeathSantis.

You’re not comparing like numbers. The Texas COVID workbook page linked in the article has categories for both Hispanic and White separately, which means the White segment on that page doesn’t include Hispanics.

This isn’t quite true. As a percentage of their respective populations, more white Texans are vaccinated than black Texans. But it’s not a huge difference. Like 10%. Of course by raw numbers there are more unvaccinated white Texans than black Texans because there are just more whites.

When someone recently got up to the mic in a town hall in Florida and asked what, if anything, DeSantis would be doing differently if he WANTED more people to get sick with COVID... I thought it was just a sick burn.

That was the goal too. It just failed.

then claiming the lack of rights for women and girls under the government that resulted from that movement as one of the justifications for invasion

This is absolutely the plan. While accusing Democrats of wanting to prolong the pandemic for political gain they are working to... prolong the pandemic for political gain.