
both of those asshats need to get primaried.

You might want to check the batteries in your bullshit detector because you obviously missed the part where she quickly mumbled that this poll was conducted by a partisan progressive activist group.

“To keep Texas the best state in the United States of America...”

Most of his constituents? He’s a Senator. His “constituents” are the entire state of West Virginia, a state where 69% of those who voted... voted for Trump.

So those people out there who think we should continue to coddle this motherfucker still think we should be offering to suck his dick to get him to vote correctly?

Having played and scoured those planets more than once in the past I have zero compunctions about pulling up a website full of maps of every unexplored world in ME1 so I can just drive straight to the points of interest.

You’re right.  She should have chosen a different family.

There are multiple ways this is batshit insane. For instance, the same people who have been ignoring the ACTUALLY infectious disease that has really killed millions of people around the world now want to believe they can catch something... from vaccinated people?

It’s hard to know for sure which of these grifters is actually high on their own supply and which of them know they are lying their asses off. The latter might be banking on 2024 and voter suppression because that’s all totally real and legitimately a threat.

Oh I think there are plenty of Republicans who would be all too willing to don the Don’s mantle and lead the idiot legion if Trump himself can’t.

I have to believe the strategy of every one of these Trump Swamp Creatures is simply to try to drag things out until 2024 where they put all their chips on voter suppression winning them back the White House, and thus a DoJ willing to quietly kill all cases against them, or at least a President willing to pardon them

I just fucking love his continued insistence on being called “45th President of the United States” at every conceivable opportunity just so his incredibly thin skin is never pierced by the word “former”.

“After Smith’s speech, a school district administrator told a local outlet, Advocate Magazine, that officials would now review its policies in order to “prevent something like this from happening again.”

You teach babies not to commit crimes long before they become criminals.

Thanks. This was my first thought: “They probably are.” Tribalism is as old as human history. The whole reason you have to teach someone NOT to be racist is that it’s kind of built-in. Racists even sometimes use this “logic” to defend racism as somehow natural. As if all things natural must be good.

Name! Job! Bye!

Still a better track record than Chris Roberts. ;)

Yeah, I kind of feel like calling it mental gymnastics makes it sound too much like she spent actual effort or skill constructing this nonsense.  It’s just the usual word salad of barely related terms that sounded good to her and to all of her similarly stupid fans.

I play Paragon but I still like hanging up on the Council. Then in ME2 or 3, I forget which, Joker says, “Do you want me to call the council so you can hang up on them? You know? For old time’s sake.”

Ugh... they went out of their way to make both choices suck, didn’t they?