Yeah, the realism argument is annoying in pretty much any game. Just because a game has some unrealistic or fantasy elements doesn’t mean it’s okay for the stuff that is supposed to work like it does in the real world... not to.
Yeah, the realism argument is annoying in pretty much any game. Just because a game has some unrealistic or fantasy elements doesn’t mean it’s okay for the stuff that is supposed to work like it does in the real world... not to.
The latest ACs are fun, but you kind of have to shut your brain off when it comes to who you are killing. Odyssey had you alternately killing Spartans and Athenians and then facing really no repercussions with either faction for doing it other than obtaining a bounty you could pay off (or murder your way out of).
An America where a rich white man, who hasn’t earned a single thing he’s received in life...
A lazy, simple grift to grift the lazy and simple. Not surprising at all anymore.
Like you said, they know their audience. And to that audience, “getting political” only applies to inserting progressive politics into their regressive right-wing status quo.
There’s no loadout feature in Valhalla. Not yet anyway. It was added after launch in Odyssey so maybe they will eventually do the same here.
We call that “full contact” tracing.
Seems there’s no point doing the whole tree as others are pointing out it re-fogs the next time you launch the game.
Yep. It’s even resettable in portions, so you can easily back out of one skill and then take a different path if you change your mind without upsetting the whole tree.
Someone better at math than me would have to crunch the numbers as to what power level you’d need to pull this off. My guess—a writer’s guess, not a mathematician’s guess, so take that as you will—is that you could pull this off when you’re around level 50 or so.
Well, what if we did them as a summer activity for children to make it fun? We could call them “Patriotic Re-education Camps”.
“Capitalism, democracy, and other uniquely American values...”
I may try that, thanks.
Regulations wouldn’t have helped though. The real lesson here is that what matters more than what is written in law is having control of the other branches of government. It’s not that Congress couldn’t have stopped Trump. It’s that they didn’t want to. Not enough of them anyway.
For example, in AC: Brotherhood, enemy guards go through up to two levels of awareness before you get “spotted”, with each level taking around 5 seconds (or so).
Nice try, but no. The article is talking about turning the stealth difficulty down to easy to make it more like past AC games. I am saying it already feels no different to me than past AC games on the default difficulty. I haven’t noticed enemies being especially more perceptive than in other games.
I can’t even imagine George W. Bush doing this and I hate that asshole. This shit just wasn’t done before. Not even by the worst of the worst. Or rather, the people we used to think of as the worst. We really had no idea.
Yeah, I don’t get it. Did the people complaining about it here set stealth difficulty to highest level or something? Because I left it at Assassin and it seems no different to me than Odyssey or Origins.
Halfway through the East Anglia arc (suggested power: 55), combat encounters became a breeze. When I moved on to Grantebridgescire (suggested power: 90)
I might just do that. Zealots are walking blocks of cheese themselves, in my opinion. They deserve it.