
I’ve had the opposite impression. Parry timing is less generous than Odyssey. Closer to Bayek’s shield parry in Origins. But then they added other elements like stamina you have to keep an eye on. Can’t just dodge or block the difficult enemies endlessly.

Like a lot of people, I’ve always acknowledged that cognitive dissonance is “a hell of a drug” but even I didn’t think people would rather be dead than be wrong about their political affiliation.

There’s a picture of Trump that doesn’t turn your stomach?

If the hospital in question does actually become overwhelmed, they should absolutely not treat these people in favor of people who WANT to be treated. That’s just triage.

I don’t know if it’s anything unique. Biden would support legislation that has majority support among Democrats, but like Obama with the ACA, he wouldn’t be the sticking point. Assuming Democrats even win the two Georgia seats they need in the upcoming Senate runoffs, they will still have moderate Democrats to

It’s charming that you think we lost to Trump because of “failing neoliberal policies” and not because half of America simply lost its collective racist shit when a black man became President for eight years and then decided only a white man could save them this time around.

Yep. Bought it Friday directly from Ubisoft for download. Just the base game version too.

If I’m being honest, I don’t know how much the governors matter at this point.

After reading her quote in the article, I had to go to the video of her comment to hear it and she did exactly what I imagined.... she paused just ever so briefly between saying, “We listen to...” and “reputable” (with heavy emphasis) “scientists”. Then she later called Atlas “this individual” rather than naming him, w

What Leftists need to realize is that American voters are not rational. Huge swaths of America will tell you they like the idea of Medicare for All and HATE the idea of socialism at the same time. So it’s easy to look at “Hey M4A is 69% popular” and think that is that, but the Republicans don’t run against M4A. They

It’d be real embarrassing to arrest one of their off-duty brethren.

Drag him out and into a jail cell, charged with criminal trespass and impersonating an elected official.

Is Biden really missing out?

Good luck with that. The “53% of white women” exit poll bullshit from 2016 STILL won’t die around here and that was debunked by a Pew analysis years ago. The truth (47% vs 45%) is bad enough, but not quite as satisfying as saying an actual majority of white women voted for Trump.

It’s not a fake/troll. They really are this stupid.

Yeah, how embarrassing! The “Biden crime family” goes to all that effort on the fraud and they clean forget to steal the Senate while they are stealing the Presidency?!!  Sloppy!

We give land voting rights, and yeah, it’s a mess.

It’s never going to get better than split-screening Trumpies in AZ chanting “Count the votes!” while at the same time Trumpies in PA were chanting, “Stop the count!” You could never ask for a more perfect video illustration of Trump cult hypocrisy than that. And that’s saying something considering we’ve had four years

In all honesty, they are a bit silly....

And? You asked what was wrong with the slogan and your response was basically, “Well the activists who came up with it like it!”