THIS! Like, my first question when I heard that he sat for so many tape-recorded interviews with this guy even after he wrote Fear was.... WHY?! Why would he do that?
THIS! Like, my first question when I heard that he sat for so many tape-recorded interviews with this guy even after he wrote Fear was.... WHY?! Why would he do that?
Not suggesting that. Just saying there’s a whole lot of worrying around here about Trump’s rabid base. They are not the problem. Worry when his bullshit seems to be working with swing voters. That’s how he won last time. Convinced a lot of people he’d save their working class jobs in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and…
Solidifying his hold on an already unshakable base isn’t winning him a second term. His strong-arm response to the BLM protests didn’t win him any new votes. Neither will this.
No, you were right too. Put in any year. It has always been the position of the Republican party that if you can’t afford medical care, you should just die.
Well, the Republicans certainly put to rest any question about which party is the official party of “kill grandma”, haven’t they? More than 8 in 10 COVID-19 deaths have been those aged 65 and over.
At which time most of us will be forced to vote in-person during a pandemic because the Republican Party, particularly here in Texas, is a death cult.
Just because all the military’s commercials talk about is patriotism and duty and protecting freedom doesn’t mean that’s why most people serve. The top reasons people join are really much more practical. You might think the pay and benefits are a bad deal, but that depends on where you’re coming from and yeah, it’s…
They are stealing from Trump supporters, though. This might be the only crime he’s committed so far that only affects those who actually deserve it.
How much you want to bet the very FIRST time Biden goes golfing as President, the RWNJ media will be all over him for golfing while there is important work to be done?
So I looked this up and it’s actually their prenup, not a divorce settlement. And it also includes Tiffany getting ANY full-time job before age 21. So this one seems more like him just getting out of paying child support early if she gets an independent source of income.
This is made even better by beginning with an off-hand comment about a flu going around and then Londo giving them a cure for it.
In general, the argument against Affirmative Action requires first believing the system without it would be completely equitable and free of bias and thus after adding AA to this utopian college admissions scenario it is suddenly tilted in favor of minorities.
is there anything that could be in this book that would erode his support among the MAGA-hat, boat parade crowd
It was just locker room talk!
I found this article (linked from an article linked by this article... if that makes sense) to provide a little more context about the precautions they are taking at this festival. There is also a different picture of Swinton actually accepting an award wearing a much more ordinary white cloth mask.
Well that could actually happen. This IS Joe Biden after all.
Yeah, but just because it’s true doesn’t mean it’s quite the most inspirational campaign slogan, you know?
Pelosi is wealthy enough to have hired someone to come to her home if she really needed a professional styling and security was the concern. This was just careless of her.
The other thing to keep in mind is that this is entirely and completely within his personality. It fits everything we know about Trump from ALL of his public appearances and statements. Meanwhile the people casting doubt on this are the same people who spun that bullshit during the convention about Trump being a…