
With the possible exception of the last bullet, and only because we can’t really know what he’s thinking, Trump seems to display EVERY SINGLE ONE of these “possible” symptoms.

Well, to us anyway. His supporters of course still think their inhuman abhorrent policies are just “different views”.

They are always riled up about some conspiracy theory though.  This would just be a different one.

You’re not weird. Well.. not about this anyway. I HATE slow marches.

Yeah, I don’t get it. Not that actual Nazis would root for the space Nazis, but that they would even give a shit about Star Wars movies in the first place given the space Nazis always end up losing. They’re the bad guys. The multi-cultural hippie space wizards and their plucky anti-fascist friends always end up

I had the same reaction.  That clear texture might look good on a still lake, but not a running river.

Not just location re-use but asset re-use. Places that were supposed to be different often used the same map assets only you’d enter from a different direction or something. They’d block off one passage and open another. Shit like that.

I have no idea how I went through all those playthroughs of DA:O thinking Duncan was a good man when in fact he’s the biggest dick in the entire series who is not Solas.

I’m fine with that.

what am I missing that would cause me to be worried about this?

One version of this “6%” meme implies that many of the deaths shouldn’t be counted because “old age” was a factor. By that logic, do old people just...not die?

Barr, Wray, shit... anyone working for this sack of shit is not to be trusted. Wray testified that Trump never asked him for the same loyalty pledge he fired Comey over and, apparently, also passed over Kelly for. Uh huh.

It is more likely the friends he is talking about DO know he’s racist, because they are also racist and the whole reason the n-bomb fell out of his mouth here so easily is because he, and they, cut loose with it all the time in their private conversations.

I’d say pick up with Inquisition then and if you get the itch from playing that, then play Origins as if it were a prequel at that point. You’ll have been spoiled for the main story events but you’ll get to know the characters and live the events. So there’s that.

They don’t telegraph Solas throughout the main game. He’s more of the guy whose weirdness makes more sense once you find out at the post-credits scene of the main game who (what) he really is.

You will definitely be able to jump in. They’ll make sure that’s not a barrier to getting new people into the franchise. They did the same with Inquisition by providing an offline way to create a “world state” covering all the choices the player was able to make in the previous two games and their expansions.

Can I just say I love that people who doubt his height and weight have called themselves... #Girthers?

You definitely needed that /s.  To the right wing, critical thinking IS a left-wing conspiracy.

Doesn’t Biden like to challenge people to push-up contests? Why not do that instead?

You’re right but you’re making a different point than Jay is. He’s not saying Blake didn’t deserve to survive. He’s saying that wasn’t the cops’ plan. They shot him seven times in the back. That wasn’t an accident. They decided to kill him right then. He wasn’t supposed to survive that.