
Yeah, but Fauci didn’t go to work for Trump. He wasn’t appointed by Trump. He’s had a career spanning six Presidents. I’m sure he’s known all along Trump would throw him under the bus if this got bad but he’s stuck to telling the truth, or as much of it as he could get away with standing next to Trump. I’m sure after

Eh why not? All the world’s climate scientists are in on a massive scam to defraud us all about climate change being a problem while our good friends who run the richest industry on the planet, and who have no personal financial interest in believing it’s all a scam... tell us it’s all a scam. Makes perfect sense!

I could swear they screwed up civilian AI at some point because I don’t remember it being a problem the first time I played the game. But these days whenever there’s a fight anywhere near civilians they all seem to go nuts and start attacking me, which NOBODY would do. Nobody’s grandmother is going to run into the

I’m no expert on Vikings, but my friend Wikipedia says naval battles weren’t really their thing. At best we might see some longships boarding other vessels followed by a melee, but nothing like the ship-to-ship combat of Black Flag, Rogue, Origins, or Odyssey.

Easy to see how Trump got elected. He PERFECTLY represents these people. He’s just as petty, stupid, and arrogant as they are.

The video in this article was a real slog when it came to that fort battle.  I’m hoping that’s not really indicative of how it plays when it’s released and more just the person playing being unfamiliar with the game.

I think they got a lot of complaints about the bounty system because they made a game that appeared to give you the choice of building for stealth or open combat... and then heavily penalized open combat with bounty, while at the same time weakening stealth with the loss of one-shot kills in many cases.

I almost care less about what happens to him than what happens to his enablers, apologizers, and propagandists. I want them never to work or hold political office again. I want them to be reminded, every single time they dare show their faces in public, that they stood behind this traitor. That they protected him as

Yeah... had this thought as well. I recently replayed some AC games and the UPlay launcher, as well as in-game Origins and Odyssey, have banners for the new upcoming game that read “Become a legendary Viking raider!”

You should not be bragging that people were very surprised you passed.

He is wrong in the sense that he dodged the question. His answer is akin to saying, “It will be perfect... except for this list of imperfections.”

We’re saying the same thing, but I am saying it’s a greater ability to do both badmouthing and promotion. These celebs are totally cool with the latter but want to stop the former. This highlights their hypocrisy. They want to regulate the speech of others while claiming to be free speech victims themselves.

This is really the only thing that’s different: A much greater ability to share our opinions, good or bad, with others. These people want to benefit from the good opinions and then say the bad opinions shouldn’t be shared? Hypocrites.

If we actually go blue in November, I won’t stop laughing for about a week. It may kill me. But it will be worth it.

“Today, the CFPB gave payday lenders exactly what they paid for by gutting a rule that would have protected American families from predatory loans that trap them in cycles of debt.”

40% of America is not tired of his bull and might never be. As mad as I want to be (and am) at Trump, none of this happened without the very same sorts of people who recently gave him a standing O for demonstrating that he could drink a glass of water with one hand.

Me: “One person can’t lose BOTH Senate seats!”

Faithless electors have never changed the outcome of a Presidential election, so this ruling doesn’t fix what’s really wrong with the EC. To do that would require either a constitutional amendment or the interstate popular vote compact. Neither seems likely.

Yeah, I got to fly that route once in the 787.  That was nice.  Then they swapped it for the 777, which is fine too.  Summer season is when they brought in that old 747 to haul more coach class vacationers back and forth I guess.

It’s possible. COVID-19 is certainly MORE dangerous for the elderly and obese but it’s by no means even close to 100% fatal. It’s more like 10-15% fatal for those groups. It’s entirely possible he’s already had it, it was mild, and it was effectively covered up.