Aaaand.. this is what I was looking for in the comments. Thank you.
Aaaand.. this is what I was looking for in the comments. Thank you.
As Kellen pointed out to me, this demo was probably more interesting to developers than gamers. It certainly looked good, but like you said, it didn’t seem that noticeably better visually than current gen. The games will still undoubtedly be optimized at a last stage to reduce polycount and texture sizes to save space…
I would pray.
Sure, but I meant magical powers for the protagonist, as shown in the video here.
Tomb Raider with magical powers? *shrug* Why not, I guess.
The part I don’t believe is the assets thing and that there will be no “baking”. The kinds of polycount and texture size numbers he’s talking about here would fill your entire hard drive with one game if they were actually delivered that way.
Post history makes it clear this person is just a troll around here. Calling us idiots when that dumbshit Trump doesn’t even understand what “per capita” means and why only the statistics normalized by population size matter when comparing who did better than who.
Post history makes it clear this person is just a troll around here. Calling us idiots when that dumbshit Trump…
I hope so. Looking around, it does seem Georgia’s version of the law is not as bad as some which include the “reasonably believes suspect to have committed the crime” standard, which nobody should have.
Depends. Felony theft in Georgia is $500 or more. So they would have the right, however fucked up that is, under Georgia’s fucked up laws, to go citizen’s arrest if they actually saw him rob something worth that much. They didn’t, of course. But just pointing out how stupid that law is.
We’re saying the same thing. It shouldn’t protect them, but I’ll be shocked-not-shocked if it does and the reason ends up being simply that they “believed” he had committed a crime that authorized them to detain him.
It’s their fucked up citizen’s arrest laws. It allows them to cause a confrontation and, when it escalates, claim self defense.
You say it excuses the problems in her story, I think it explains it.
It’s not the least bit wrong to wish COVID-19 takes a bite out of this White House the way it has done to the rest of the country. Conservatives don’t understand anyone else’s suffering but their own. This isn’t wrong.
How can you be angry, how can you be so sure that she’s a liar?? This poor woman finally felt safe enough to come forward, it’s unbelievable that people are rushing to shut her up.
It’s literally win-win for right wing scumbags. If she’s believed it hurts Biden. If she’s not, then it hurts #metoo.
What I love about TV crime shows is how they teach criminals that it still takes as much as a minute to trace a phone call.
Considering even practical solutions won’t be allowed either, I don’t see any harm in having big ideas. The results will be the same until these assholes are entirely voted the fuck out.
Yeah to me the real story here is that he STILL will not wear a mask. He’s fucking delivering masks to a nursing home and he won’t wear one himself.
Right, I didn’t mean to imply it’s the only consideration but it’s a big part of it. Game companies, particularly the larger ones, DO care who they might be upsetting with their game’s themes. And there’s nothing wrong with that. They are choosing to make a big expensive game rather than be part of a small indie…
I disagree. If I find her story particularly not credible then I’m pissed. Because it does only harm to the cause of all other actual victims if she’s lying. And there’s a fair bit of evidence that she’s lying including the way not only she, but her brother as well, changed their retelling of her story in exactly the…