
But it will then be a bit rich if Biden loses and they turn around and whine that they lost because progressives didn’t support Biden enough when the establishment collectively made a decision that it was better to court moderate, centrist support than progressive support.

No, I’m saying “so fucking what?” Who are these progressive voters you think are sitting on their asses and not voting progressive because the establishment is “lining up” for someone else?

(2) lined up against Elizabeth Warren when she surged, (3) lined up against Bernie Sanders when he surged

Hey, if the Supreme Court can rule that money is speech, then maybe bullets are speech too.

I tend to think they are actually surprised by the backlash. Hard to believe, but if it’s meant as an intentional callout to racist supporters, then it’s a failure because he ended up apologizing and backtracking. SO now the racists think he’s a wimp and everyone else thinks (knows) he’s a racist. He won with nobody.

This was probably always the plan. Why NOT promote the drug? They were gambling that it was actually good for something, in which case they’d be heroes. And if, as it now seems is the case, it doesn’t pan out? Deflect, Deny, and Dissemble. That always works with his cultists.

Some will die, yes, but not plenty. We know who the plenty who will die are because they’ve already been the most affected groups. And it’s not the rich white assholes demanding the economy open. Perhaps their poor dumb white cultists, yes. But not, as ever, the people the GOP *really* works for.

Most of the people who say SR2 is the best of the series just don’t like the much more comical direction they took with SR3 & 4, but I think that made those games more their own thing than SR2, which always struck me as kind of a GTA: San Andreas clone.  Still a good game, but had some issues playing it last time I

Sadly, their stupidity will cost all of us and end up killing people other than just themselves.

Yeah, the “rugged” individualist myth takes a bit of a beating when people are complaining about not being allowed to finish that bathroom tiling project, doesn’t it?

Or just overloading the already overloaded hospital systems.

Almost makes me think they want it all to burn down so they can declare martial law and skip the election altogether. There’s just no other way that the inevitable second wave of coronavirus infections and mass deaths will look good for Trump when voters go to the polls in November.

PEOPLE are not the same. They cannot have the same experience anyway with one difficulty setting.  That’s why developers interested in appealing to a broader audience add difficulty modes in the first place.  If everyone enjoyed the game the same way, of course there’d be no call for difficulty settings.

I’m not the one who compared this single-player game to From software’s games. That was the OP in this thread.  But we are talking about a single player game here, so that’s the context.  Obviously you can’t just mix difficulty in online modes.  Nobody does that.  It applies to single-player PvE content only.

It is impossible for an easy mode to “compromise the integrity of the game”. It’s been pointed out ad-nauseum to Souls fans that the existence of an easy mode wouldn’t impact their gameplay if they don’t touch the difficulty setting but they still spout this nonsense anyway.

As noted elsewhere, the political ads are writing themselves. “I take no responsibility” Comparing his briefings to Monday Night Football and reality TV shows while people are dying from the virus. And on and on.

Defections like that aren’t unusual and they’re a good reminder that not everybody who votes Democrat is all-in on the entire Democratic party platform. Most of the people who went from Sanders to Trump were probably with Sanders because they liked his economic policies but then settled for Trump’s racism to better

Thank you for providing all the detail. This was my first reaction as well. Of COURSE Biden doesn’t look like a leader right now. The President has his bully pulpit (and it was never so appropriately named as it is now) and Biden has... Youtube? It’s not surprising to me that between the President, who has all the

It’s difficult to know what he really believes.  But one thing we can be sure of is this dipshit doesn’t know anything.  So he’s only talking about it because someone keeps whispering it in his ear.  The people who are pushing it to him are likely the ones running the con here.  The ones making the money off it... or

I plan to wear a mask on my next trip to the store more to prevent people from freaking out like this than any protection it really grants me.  Also, if I was working there I think I might be more comforted to see people in masks than not.  It’s the workers there most at risk these days given most people (at least by