They did it the same way they do anything: By bald-faced assertion.
They did it the same way they do anything: By bald-faced assertion.
Fair point. Republicans STILL push trickle-down economics relentlessly even though it’s never worked beyond occasionally giving the economy a short-lived sugar-high (well, “never worked” in it’s stated goal that is, but fabulously successful in it’s true goal of further enriching the rich, of course).
On an individual level, yes. As a society we tend to gravitate to things that are true over time more than things that are false. Or rather, we eventually reject things that can be proven false (religion, notably, cannot be proven false, and so it endures).
That’s the thing. Individual doctors and scientists have biases. All the world’s doctors and scientists? No. At least not the SAME biases. Meanwhile, the random youtubers and influencers aren’t similarly part of some equally sized community of thinkers. They are each peddling their own products. The idea that they…
I don’t imagine it’s that big a deal. It’s not the working from home point that’s the problem though. It’s the stress. You need time off from work even if it’s all time spent at home, if you’re going to stay healthy.
“Who the fuck cares” is entirely the point. It is not essential right now to be crunching on a video game if it makes you more likely to get sick and then tax the healthcare system more than it already is. Get the point now?
Oh I love that stunned silence from the Fox host and then the completely insincere, “I hope we have you back on the show again” that we can all translate as “We are never inviting your truth-telling ass back on this show!”
It’s a kind of conspiracy anti-authority thing for some who are educated and even science literate. They justify trust in pseudo-science, homeopathy, and traditional medicine by believing the peer-reviewed medical journals are part of some nefarious “Big Pharma” scam that is suppressing “the truth” about whatever…
I sure as hell hope nobody is doing crunch during this crisis and that’s why games are being delayed. The last thing anybody needs right now is to compromise their immune system with stress and lack of sleep. The game can fucking wait.
Remember the good old days when Republicans had to actually work for their lies and “spin” the truth in order to mislead people?
Yeah, this virus is such a bastard. The asymptomatic carriers and 1-2 week lag in those that show symptoms means your state can be “dead man walking” while you’re saying “things are fine here”. If you wait until things ARE visibly bad in your state, you’re already fucked.
In a way people like him are worse. Trump is just being Trump. He may be psychologically incapable due to his NPD of even knowing that he’s full of shit. But Barr knows. He knows and he enables him anyway. So does McConnell. They all do. They do it because through Trump they lead the idiot masses that keep them in…
I don’t believe for one second he was emotionally moved by the sight of freezer trucks. That’s the cover story. It was far more likely that aides explained how he would lose the next election if he didn’t start talking more about people’s health than the economy.
That’s my point. It IS a personal insult. They fucking deserve it. I mean the ones that still support his every word and action no matter what depths he sinks to. Bragging about the ratings of his daily conference while thousands die? He may be inhuman, but he is what he is. It’s the people who still give him…
Sure it is. Just imagine the people who voted for him and who STILL support him despite everything he has done and every lie he has told. Because without them, Trump would just be another senile mostly-harmless old man working on his next bankruptcy.
Unfortunately, it’s not just on them. Their stupidity costs more lives than their own. When they clog the hospital systems with their carelessness, we will all suffer.
Same reason 60% of Americans approve of the job Trump has done responding to the virus when America’s response is, by the numbers, probably the worst in the world.
Good grief, not only is this ad a series of statements made BY the President but you can’t even say they are taken out of context. The context is the same for all of them. Coronavirus response.
I’m pretty sure their own shock over Trump winning the election in ‘16 was quickly replaced by glee, “You mean we could have just been SAYING it out loud all this time? Who knew?!”