Conservatism is characterized by a distinct lack of empathy. It’s what lets them pass all the abhorrent policies that only affect others negatively while still sleeping soundly at night.
Conservatism is characterized by a distinct lack of empathy. It’s what lets them pass all the abhorrent policies that only affect others negatively while still sleeping soundly at night.
I disagree. Willful ignorance and arrogance is killing people right now. The people partying on beaches and spreading the disease with their stupidity? Oh yes they fucking DO deserve to die. Trump and all his supporters who, through their carelessness and ignorance and gross stupidity are causing many more people to…
That chart is just another fact that he and his dumb-as-shit supporters will ignore. Just like how he never can say WHAT the media’s lies are. He just says they are fake. He can’t prove it because the media is telling the truth.
It’s a tempting idea, but sadly justice would not be entirely poetic as then all those people would overwhelm the hospitals, making it that much more difficult to save the lives of people who DON’T deserve to die of this virus. To say nothing of all the extra virus spread in the community they’d account for after…
Trump: “I am a wartime President!”
America was always this dumb and ugly. The only thing we did by electing Trump was prove it to the world.
If only it were just this. These same MAGAssholes will also listen to the President when he tells them to go back about their normal business in a week. And then they will help spread the virus to everyone.
But we can still take his milk too, right?
And Trump is President because of morons like this. As much as I hate the guy, he didn’t tell anyone to self medicate with fish tank cleaner. These people were harmed by their own abject stupidity. And by giving us Trump, they are still fucking the rest of us, potentially into our own early graves.
Yeah, that might not be as bad. If it feels more like moving through the space instead of teleporting, I can see liking that better. Academic for me at the moment since I don’t have a VR setup. But I’m trying to keep an eye (no pun intended) on it.
Really? Because it looks absolutely unbearable. I am sure I could get used to moving this way. I’m not sure I could get over how restrictive this feels.
I almost want him to TRY firing Fauci. It’s impossible to believe he hasn’t already angrily demanded just that in private and been talked off that particular ledge by staff and Republican legislat... oh, who am I kidding, he probably asked Hannity and Tucker and was advised to wait for now.
Pretty sure that is not true. The responsibility for archiving Presidential records is with the President and his administration, not with private companies or individual citizens. Twitter is not banning his account because half their users would riot.
I just played this game and lost. I thought surely this was just a funny intentional misinterpretation of something an official said and they couldn’t poss.... oh.... they did.
At some point, yes. But that point would be discovering they are doing this on EVERY used car they sell (that being, selling it with features and then removing them, specifically, AFTER the sale).
Sadly, it won’t work like that. It’s not like they limit all human contact to only those who share their political beliefs. They’ll spread it around, then infect some hapless hourly grocery store worker because of it. The more of them that get it and spread it, the worse it is for all of us.
“Communism for the rich and Capitalism for the poor”
The main thing we have to avoid rewarding is bad business management. We are effectively granting them “stupidity insurance”.
Jesus, I love how little Don is emulating his father inventing fictional people who walk up to him and ask his advice or tell him how wonderful he is.
There is value in reminding Joe that he needs to keep certain progressive priorities in mind and in his campaign pitches if he wants the votes to beat Trump. That’s not me suggesting it’s cool not to vote. That’s me predicting the weather. It will happen.