
You picked the wrong AC. Yeah, it’s got the doctors in those weird masks but it doesn’t actually depict plague that I recall. Though it’s been awhile since I last played it.

Oh who are we kidding.  We’ll probably dedicate a Presidential library to him.

Well this isn’t doing his approval rating any favors yet. The bump he enjoyed after Total Exoneration World Tour II is gone and he’s back down at 42% average.

racist who demonizes immigrants

It’s not irresponsible. It’s forecasting. People are not just looking at the current lead. They are asking: Where is this string of states where Sanders is ahead in the polling and are those enough delegates to turn this around? So far the answer to that is a resounding no. Biden is leading in most of the big

At this point, maybe Sanders SHOULD stay in the whole way. There’s little risk of a contested convention now that the field has dwindled to effectively just the two of them. 538 is predicting Biden clinches it with the April 28th primaries.

This. All of the things people point to about her are things male politicians have done and then gotten elected anyway. How many times have we heard that she lost progressive voters because of her centrist ways and things like her super-predator comment and yet here comes Uncle Joe with exactly the same policies AND hi

More obviously to anyone who stops to think about this even once (which excludes most Republican voters these days) is that ICE cars are not going anywhere in the next four years no matter who is President. Then again, nobody is getting rid of capitalism in the next four years either, but that hasn’t stopped a bunch

If I had to name one thing that has most amazed me about Trump’s rise to and maintenance of power, it’s his total immunity to hypocrisy.  Here he is about to make a huge campaign deal about Hunter Biden both in terms of nepotism and Ukraine shenanigans... when’s he’s up to his eyeballs involved in both himself.

I can’t help but think at least some of that market drop was a vote of no confidence in Trump’s ability to handle this situation.  These people assess risk for a living.  They know it’s not helping to hide information and try to bullshit your way through an actual disease outbreak like he bullshits his way through

My point was that I am not going to be *more* afraid of the COVID-19 than the flu, and that stands.

Oh yeah, I saw that one this morning too. But it’s even more directly hypocritical when it’s Donj saying it himself.

Oh yeah? Well what happens if you run over an infected individual as they are coughing directly into your air intake? Huh? What then, smart guy!?!?!! I’ll be safe in my new SUV and you’ll be dead!*

I love that header image.  Respiratory droplets containing Coronavirus may travel up to 3 feet or so after being expelled by an infected individual so... here’s our bio-containment car in the middle of a desert!

He is 100% bluffing here because he believes Hunter won’t take the bet. There is no chance in hell he’s opening up his books to anyone and he knows nobody who votes for Trump will dock him one single point for going back on this promise if it comes to that.

I think it’s more that they are fans of propaganda in the same way Joseph Goebbels was. Goebbels famously expressed the belief that enemies of Germany had accused it of doing things they themselves were guilty of doing. But he said it in a speech promoting the idea of propaganda as a necessity in the modern era. In

I guess “widely disliked” it one of those easy-to-make but essentially meaningless charges because it doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is disliked by a majority of people, just by an unspecified reasonably large quantity of people.

Where there is this kind of pushback it does make me wonder if this is one of those sports where men might not have as much of a performance advantage as they do in other physical sports.

I’m pretty sure the Republicans running all this viewed this as a test run for the general election.  They were probably keeping track of how many people gave up and left because of the long lines so they’ll have an idea how many more stations to close to get the desired suppression of turnout.

So you’d just like to put your fingers in your ears? Her policy on trade had nothing to do with it? Her shitty history on race had nothing to do with it?