
Well, it’s impossible to say we’ve exhausted ALL other choices, but you have to admit though, that Trump knocks a whole lot off the list of “bad ideas we’ve never tried before” just by himself.

Yeah, but I guess that doesn’t make as sensational a headline as pretending the point of GM’s latest platform is that it’s a 20-year-old skateboard design.

You have an argument for why my thinking is wrong or do you just want to pretend the DNC is owed everyone’s vote because you don’t like the current president?

Well, first of all, everything I’m writing is an opinion. Didn’t think I had to say that. Second, you need to stop pretending there is some science behind your assertion that people aren’t idiots. This is a value judgement. Other than the tautology that half of all people are below median intelligence, science can’t

*saves vs. wall of text*

It’s easy enough to get despondent and assume the public is nothing more than a bunch of morons with poor decision making skills. The observed research doesn’t support this conclusion though.

I don’t find that compelling. People know that who they elect to public office is likely more important than which car they drive or what their favorite brand of coffee is. And I suspect most people would like to believe their reasons for important decisions are sound.

That’s not it. You hear plenty of “I like his/her policies” from Bernie/Liz supporters. It’s not like reporters are asking for in depth explanations on these interviews. It doesn’t take any longer to say you like them for their policies than it does to say you like how down-homey they sound.

They stay home and then later they complain about how “the system” is all rigged against them and their preferred candidate by party elites.

Good luck. I asked that one after the 2016 election and all I got was a bunch of conspiracy-theory media-bashing nonsense.  It’ll probably be the same this time.  

what are Americans thinking?

Not voting is doing something with your vote.

It’s may sound weird to you but consider the original concept of the D&D combat round: It’s six seconds. It’s not six seconds times each combatant in the fight. All of this action is supposed to be happening at the same time. The scenarios you call a problem are things that can happen in combat when everybody is

Yeah, but the point is: Is that worse than Trump?

I actually don’t think it would be hard to do simultaneous initiative. Some people are even working on this for 5e table-top rules. It would still be turn-based in the sense that combat stops for each round. The difference is you’d give commands for that round to all party members you control instead of just one at a

I voted for Warren, but I will have zero trouble voting for Biden or Sanders in the general. The worst of the bunch is Bloomberg. It would basically be voting for a Republican, but I’m still not sure he’s worse than Trump.

Literally literally isn’t what it used to be, huh?

I think it’s that turn-based CRPGs are having a bit of a moment so Larian doing D&D seemed like a winning combo.

Right. I was being a little snarky because this tends to be one of those “holy war” topics. You’re way off if you think it’s not a big deal with a lot of people. Read up just on BG3 and you’re find plenty of people hoping this was going to be RTwP.

It’s okay.  I’m sure he prayed on the plane ride over.  So that’s Coronavirus taken care of!