I don’t see the difference, both games are making a random roll, the only difference is whether or not you see it.
I don’t see the difference, both games are making a random roll, the only difference is whether or not you see it.
I didn’t say this game had you looking at tables during combat, but actually having an animated 20-sided dice roll in front of you? Come on. This is purely there for nostalgia. The game doesn’t need to do that. In NWN2, for example, you click on the lock and it tells you whether you succeeded or failed. If you want to…
Yeah, they are really leaning into it to. Like with this:
Does anyone really actually prefer the old infinity engine real-time-but-you-can-pause system?
It doesn’t really matter if he cares or not. The VP is an elected office, not an appointment. He can try to pressure him to resign, but Pence, if he wants to, can just tell Trump to fuck off.
This is what I tell people who are worried about progressive Dems in the race.
Politics is a team sport. You’d be right if Sasse were only playing for Nebraska, but they’ve all got their sights set higher than that. It’s about bringing what he’s done in Nebraska to all of us.
Depends which fuckers you’re talking about. The politicians proposing these bills are not stupid. But they do know how exactly fucking stupid their voters are, so they know that if they can get a Democrat to vote against this absolutely irrelevant bill, they can paint them as “okay with killing babies” and their…
I love how every tweet ends with “America deserves better.”
The lore is a big mess really. It’s not clear how putting a bunch of organics in a blender set to “puree” and then pumping the resulting slurry into a robot body involves “preserving” the species, but they claim it does. And if they are all being controlled by this Catalyst AI then... are they really a sentient…
It’s a scary thought but he is definitely acting like he can’t possibly lose. His latest clemency spree of pardoning corrupt white collar criminals is the sort of thing you’d expect an outgoing President to do, not one running for re-election THIS year.
He’s fucking disgusting, AND he’s a huge dumbass.
The “hogs” were always going to vote for Trump. I’m fine with Trump just standing there slinging Pocahontas references. If that’s all he’s got and he’s still able to win, then we may as well all hop the next rocket to Mars anyway... there’s no more intelligent life on this planet.
It’s moronic to give any President too much credit OR blame for the economy as it’s usually the result of much bigger forces than those controlled by any one President.
“Sweet! That duping exploit worked! Now let’s...”
I really hope Bloomberg doesn’t win either, but I also don’t see how he could be worse than Trump. We are basically headed towards a dictatorship with Trump. It’s really difficult to say ANYBODY could be worse than him and his cult following right now.
And yet there are still people who believe his bullshit story about wanting to fight corruption in Ukraine before giving them aid money. Fight it? He fucking loves it! He thinks it’s how the world works and should work.
I hope somebody’s campaign is just going to play clips of Republicans complaining about the debt and deficit while Obama was President superimposed on a graph showing Trump’s deficit going up off the top of the chart.
Unfortunately there’s (c): “Is economy gud now? Durr! I guess I will give Trump credit and vote for him!”
My first reaction too. I guess there are some people who would be like, “Oooh how pretty! I love cats!” but I’m like, “No, that’s a severed head on a platter.”