Why ask why?
Why ask why?
Not a fan. But I'm a Zingers man.
Me too. I love grammar humor. And especially pluralization humor.
What a bunch of clowns!
I'm flying to Nova Scotia to see the total eclipse of the sun,
This may be the last time someone sends your wife a polite greeting
The Truman Show is really good.
If anyone is taking medical advice from the guy famous for a talking ass scene and the women famous for a trashy MTV dating show… I can't even complete this sentence. Finish that sentence however you like.
Pretty much the whole series. “I’m from L.A. Fun hipster shit is just poor Latino shit from ten years ago.”
Edgar (who struggles with PTSD) is a mere comedic prop? To the contrary, he is about the only character with what resembles decency.
Latched knife, my Kinjas!
Trump appoints Sessions as the AG.
Did he also order the London Symphony Orchestra?
Marjorie Prime is "an elderly woman who lives with her middle-aged daughter." She sounds like the worst Transformer ever.
Those clowns in the KKK have done it again. What a bunch of clowns!
Let me repeat: once you accept the premise that the government can chill speech (I mean, come on, "there is a special place in hell" is now a prosecutable "threat"?!?), you are too far down the path. The differences are about scope of the abuse, not the character of the abuse.
As the old joke goes, now we are just dickering over the price. The government has been using the subpoena power to chill free speech for a while now. BB's broader point is a solid: we cannot fork over bullshit powers to a politician because we "like" them or trust them. Because sooner or later: Trump. And then we…
This sucks, but its not "new." People are just paying attention now.
"Candy" is funnier. Way funnier.
Ha! My wife is the same way. We will go to a restaurant that is known for one thing and she'll order something else. It's become a running joke in our marriage.