D.D. Driver

So can we still comments on disqus on all the old AV Club articles?

We are all mere holograms projected off a two dimensional surface at the edge of the universe. There is no point to any of it.

Wait? Have we met?

Your welcome! I think ts time start upvoting everything. I mean why not?

Oh dear SpamBot, I will miss you most of all…

They have forced us into a life of Kinja and normal Sabados.

I think I'm a leftover!

It's 10:06 and I'm still here.

We live, in the City of Dreams.

I will fight Foo no more forever.

…Christmas, I gave you my heart. The very next day, you gave it away.

**♫ The Farmer In the Dell ♫**

Be that as it may: the fact that Emma Stone makes less than the Rock on an annual basis is not evidence of anything. It's a factoid. Because the total amount earned at the end of the year is going to depend a lot on how many gigs the actor took. We shouldn't use factoids to argue serious issues.

But… is she getting paid less? Did she take the same number of roles as the other 14 actors? If you sign up for tons of movies and shitty block busters, you will make more money. It's not necessarily sexism, as much as a lack of shame.

The more you ignore Kinja, the closer it gets. You're wasting your time.


I'll get my box of kleenex ready.

One day left. It's been good to know you all:

No. The key to the Game of Thrones final victory is teaching the Night King the value of friendship and expressing his feelings.

That's how you know they are feminists: they really have that gift of gab.