D.D. Driver

That can't be. Chuck has got to be in his late fifties, and he is not 20+ years older than Jimmy.


Not to mention: Chuck has been practicing law for many decades and he thinks he is going "write a demand letter" to an insurance company that is going to make its "head spin." So arrogant and delusional.

The thing is: we are probably giving Jimmy too much credit. Now HHM needs $8 million to settle with Chuck. That is why the Sandpiper will ultimately settle.

I'm guessing that whoever told you that had both a big butt and a smile.

Presumably, “politicians themselves” also includes Drudge Report, Wonkette, and the ten million other media sites whose ideological perspective necessitate their not having anything good to say about their political opponents.

Funny, me and my wife were just saying: We wonder what that guy from Slipknot thinks about Trump.

You can use that rationale to put just about anything on a pizza. Raspberries, malted milk balls, kiwi….

People are going to hate this opinion, but… O'Neal (and Amelie Gillette) killed The AV Club. Back in the day, I would read The AV Club cover to cover (it was in print) because the had interesting interviews and coverage of pop culture that you couldn't read anywhere else. And then Gillette/O'Neal came aboard with

13 Reasons Why I Ate Two Boxes of Granola Bars And Left the Wrappers all Over the Floor In My Room And then Acted Like Dick to My Mom When She asked Me to Pick Them Up

I understood the murder my vagina tweet, but what did she mean by "engage in insider trading with my taint?"

Wait is she My Girl?

Once you've lost A Rising Ape, you've lost middle America.

Weird, because I thought the chair is shaped like a …what's the opposite of a penis?

I've got ham, but I'm not a hamster.

I was saying Booooooo-uber.

Nothingilet O'fish?

Again, our justification for bombing Syria was the death of children. Our response is the death of more children.

So back in 2002, I was at work debating whether to go to the free Fugazi show at Fort Reno (DC). I was pretty tired but I went out of a sense of duty. I had been living in DC for four years by then and had never seen Fugazi.

The Comey testimony is (like almost everything in life) just a big Rorschach test. See what you wanna see. If you already believe that Trump is "Putin's puppet" then the hearing totally confirmed that view. If you believe Comey was on a witch hunt to bring down Trump, the hearings totally confirmed that view. The