D.D. Driver

"It's whether the 15-year old boys asserting their pecking order by pressuring their dates into anal or further dehumanizing girls in conversation because porn influenced them that we need to ponder."

I remember eating at Sambo's as a kid. They were everywhere. It was basically Denny's but with a free side of racial stereotypes which were way over my head as a tyke. I just kind of liked the tiger.

But not Seders…

Lebanese cedar was actually a very big deal in the Bible. Like Idaho Potatoes, Wisconsin Cheddar, or Fine Corinthian Leather.

I picked the wrong week to invest my life savings in Fake Block.

♫ Hand me my nose ring!
…shhhow me the mosh pit ♫

Are you suggesting that Wingard is naughty by nature?

My Favorite Alexa Jokes:

The Ugly Kid Joe Musical?

You are the Marlboro Man. Your whole job is to ride around on a horse and smoke. So you are required to smoke when you on the clock but can't smoke during your smoke break.

Yes. You can find it.

It can be two things. You can both have depression and be an asshole.

I pronounce it ear-oh.

Can there ever be enough ronin comedy?


Top Gun 2: A Good Day to Top Hard


Why ask why?

Relax. I'm just teasing. Seriously, I meant no offense. I was just trying to be silly.

And Jackie Chan playing a Japanese character because "close enough" and Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Junior as fake priests….and Terry Bradshaw as a real redneck….