D.D. Driver

Agree and agree. The skiing scene (in particular) was awesome and completely ridiculous.

Cannonball Run had far too many bright spots to list.

I'm on the other side on this one. I think the show makes Laura completely unlikeable more shallow and one-dimensional. The book explains the affair as both Laura and Robbie growing close as they support each other through the grief, guilt, and trauma of Shadow's incarceration. The book explains: why Robbie? The

This is a strawman because it implies that the book character who—um dies with another man's penis in her mouth—was somehow portrayed as "you complete me now I'm happy."

Rolls eyes. I am so "mad" that it is "laughable"? Ooooookay.

I disagree. Laura and Robbie became close when then formed a two-person support group to help each other cope with the grief/guilt of Shadow being thrown in prison. They formed a really close bond than then it got messy and physical. But, I think it took many months of serving as each other only support person. It

It actually makes her less complicated. BookLaura was a good person who did bad things. ShowLaura is an empty person who does bad things.

The point is: My impression of BookLaura was that but for Wednesday's interference she was otherwise as devoted and faithful to Shadow as he was to her. The ShowLaura was all Bridges of Madison County woulda fucked over Shadow with or without Wednesday's interference. Not a fan.

Re "changes"

I'm not a fan. This was a divisive episode in our house. I'd did not like the changes and the additional backstory. My wife didn't mind.

The bottom line is there is an active smear campaign against him brought to you delightful chaps that have brought the world indefinite detention, waterboarding, drone warfare, domestic spying, and many more!

Actually that's exactly the argument RLBC makes. Assange "tried to have unprotected sex" which is the same a "attempting to rape her." [These are quotes.]

Have you ever tried to have unprotected sex? Is that the same thing as "attempted rape." It's a stretch. I guess if you are already convinced he is a rapist this is "evidence." But under normal circumstances….

"According to the statement, Miss A then realised he was trying to have unprotected sex with her. She told police that she had tried a number of times to reach for a condom but Assange had stopped her by holding her arms and pinning her legs. The statement records Miss A describing how Assange then released her arms

I don't care if Flanders is the nicest guy in the world. He's a jerk. End of story.

No idea how it works in Sweden, but in America there is still a mes rea requirement. That means a reasonable but mistaken belief that there is consent means that no rape occurred…

I detect sarcasm. Can we all agree that he had plenty to fear way beyond a typical accused?

It's an Albany thing.

Where I'm from we call them "steamed hams."

Disagree. Thin burgers are tremendous on the grill. You need a super hot grill but they are delightful. Serve them as doubles…. you get twice the Maillard surface area with the same volume of beef. This is basic math.