D.D. Driver

Two things? I mean, I'm sure Katie meant the other thing….but it is technically a two things situation.

Speaking of Vedder… I was just listening to this. Hell of a duet. RIP.

"Can't stop the seether."
-Veruca Salt


I don't know what you mean, but it has the cadence of a joke.

Upvoted for putting BF in his place.

You're stepping on my line.

That's where Jesus preached the Be-meh-titudes.

♫All I wanna do is a zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom
Shake-shake ya Trump♫

Agreed. I disagree that its a right/left issue any longer. The authoritarian statists are on both sides of the aisle.


"Asking for a friend," I presume.

I think even the band Hansen has mobilized….

On one hand: I agree 100 percent.
On the other hand: it actually was really good burn on Spade.


I'm over 40, so I can't say for certain, but I think you need a preposition when you use "fleek."

Unlike 911.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Spoiler:

Fans of the book: what do you think about the photo? I'm not a fan of the decision. In the book Laura explains the affair as being lonely and trying to cope with the loss and grief of her husband (who she really does love deeply) being imprisoned. But the swapping naughty photos on the eve of Shadow's release just