D.D. Driver

I'm using "liereally" correctly.

I certainly interpreted the jokes as being at Erlich's expense. And the biggest laugh from me was Jian-Yang speaking mandarin to the VC dickhead and slipping in "big fat asshole."


Stylistic gore for some. Miniature American flags for others….

If its cool with everyone else, I'm going to continue to refer to him as "That Guy From Fargo."

Me Too!

The real star of that movie was the parrot.

That shark in the still shot looks like its laughing: "Hey guys! Wanna be … chums?"

I think its mainly just a bit of foreshadowing. Shadow can't escape the noose.

I don't understand the "too small" criticism. The early book features an extended sequence about a small time street hustle to raise money. And didn't seem epic (to me) until House on the Rock.

The main problem with books is that they are full of movie spoilers.

But even if we follow Earth's rules. There are trees that are thousands of years old. Natural selection worked just fine even with this life span. There are sea turtles and fish that 400-500 hundreds of years old. Take that and extend it out due to advanced technology, and I think it is entirely feasible(even

I don't think we can extrapolate anything when n=1. Also: robots.

There is nothing special about humans…other than we exist on the only known planet with life. The appearance of life will be exceedingly rare (like monkeys on typewriters recreating the works of Shakespeare.) There has to be some preliminary "lock in" event before natural selection can work its magic. Until that

This is a very human-centric view of the cosmos. Extra-terrestrial species could have lifespans of thousands or millions of years….

Do they really do name changes at the hospital in Kentucky or is Billy Ray Cyrus just a dumb ass?

Can we move on already? I mean, does every comment section have to devolve into a discussion about a can of soup that can suck his own dick?

I hope they book Chris Gaines as a musical guest.

Yeah? Baby?

Truly, the awfulness of Heineken is one issue that unites us all.