D.D. Driver

Yeah. The sequels became increasingly gimmicky—the The Great Outdoors Go to Hell, etc. That said The Great Outdoors In Space was campy fun.

One of these days, I'm going to punch you in the face.

Is that the Lady-Who-Looks-Like-Her-Eyelids-Are-Bleeding or is it Standard-Issue-Beard-Guy.

Which one is Esso again?

Dancing with Mr. Brownstone.

Can't help you regarding the neoliberal oppression, but the Milwaukee Art Museum was designed by an architect named Santiago Calatrava. It was his first building in the US. It features a giant sail on the top that opens and closes.

You've never been to Milwaukee apparently. It's a Russian-nesting doll of bars.

You're damn right we did, and it's beautiful.

You're getting everything mixed up. The song was ""What's Made Milwaukee Famous (Has Made a Loser Out of Me)." But the song doesn't specify a brand.

Houston, the City, or Houston, the Film Starlet?

I'm not going to scroll all the way down, but is "Dawes" still on the table?

McG is a brainless idiot that couldn't even beat a motley group of gnomes.

And then came back from the dead.

Look what you did, you little jerk!

♬Eleanor Rigby used to take dumps in a church where a wedding has been.♬

Reboots are a bootable offense in Australia.

That fact is hard to handle, just like the Black Crows' biggest hit.

I think the promoters should find a better pitch than "we are taking a newsletter on tour."

That's what they all say. They all say "The AV d'oh!"
