
Ah, I remember the good old days, when Americans and Canadians didn't even need passports crossing the border. Those days are looooooooooog gone!

Jon Heder for Dr. Watson!

Will this suffice?

That British detective, for one.

Aw, they're only an extendable deep foundation system with helical bearing plates welded to a central steel shaft.

The rice in front of you was blinding your eyes!

How are your wife's florets and stems?

I remember when the NAD-W talked about how in Revolutionary times when they were referred to as "Wads of Dycks". They say that a Hessian soldier named Drumpf was the one that changed it into the word we know today when he crowned himself the "Kinge of Dyck-Wads".

from Wikipedia (I kid you not)…

Not at all - REAL hippies have NEVER gotten involved with politics, which is why many elections may have been lost with their lack of participation.

Huh? Most of us are anti-Trump. So how could we be paid shills of Russia, Trump's bosses?

The slight difference, as I have read it, is that the "…nationalists" believe there should be a separate nation in North America for only white people, while the "…supremacists" believe that the white race is the master race, and all others are lower than animals.

As much as we would like to think that, many of those in that parade looked very healthy, as if they regularly go to gyms and work out with their bros to be ripped for when the race wars start continue.

They'll have to be carefully taught - from year to year, it will be drummed into their dear little ears!

If Trump is impeached or assassinated, OR, more likely, continues to live, we will have another civil war.

"…Jon's interjections are nowhere near as terrible as, say, Jimmy Fallon's monologue existence on Earth."

I am in the semi-middle about this. Paul Shaffer was great. No doubt about that.
It's clear that Jon Batiste is not up to his level in the comedic realm.
However Batiste HAS made some musical jokes off of things that Colbert has said, but they might be a bit more obscure (can't think of a particular example).

You might even call it a 'Hairway to Steven'…

The VILE Jan Brewer, former scum governor of Arizona was on CNN last night, and she was 100% supporting Trump and his words yesterday. At one point she said something very odd - don't remember the exact repulsive subject she was talking about - she said "…in America, and even the United States." ???

Absolutely - I got that immediately. But I fear that some younger people didn't get that.