
I'm only getting to this very long thread, and maybe someone has mentioned this, but there's also the new 'pop culture' site which already has its own WOT and Politics Corner.
You're a great commentor, and you'd be right at home at the new site.

That's where the cast part comes in. As a Carp you must know that before you're reeled in, someone has to do the casting.

Especially if they mention her swan dress, which has nothing to do with her music, and plus, there's absolutely nothing about the dress anyway!

I was lucky enough to see him in a small place in Philadelphia, and my (now ex-)wife and I got a table right up front.
You don't know how wonderful it was to be so up close. A couple of times he was literally yelling at us with his hands on the table (this also happened to others upfront).
One of the funniest things

And a few of those clergy were actually hit by bottles thrown by the NaziFucks.
Too bad the police didn't think that they were worth arresting for that.

That is such a wonderful photo. Some years ago, before he died, some college students put that up in the window of their door, situated on a corner such that if you came around it one way, that image would greet you.

Various caffeinated diet sodas (don't like coffee or tea), that is, when I'm not injecting the caffeine directly into my veins…

Well, he certainly knows about the structure of buildings, and how you can skimp on materials, and use foreign workers that you don't pay and can't retaliate against you.
So we may be lucky that Trump's infrastructure bill isn't going forward.

Oh, yes! I really loved Grant Morrison's run on The Doom Patrol!

Did they take the sample from your tail? That could be the problem.

And it must be nice being related to Daria!

That reminds me of one of the many horrid Ancestry.com commercials. It shows a woman with a partially native outfit on, and this has happened cause she found out she 26% Native American. OK, fine. And she's in a gallery with native art, etc., etc.
But if you look at the pie chart they show, she is 74% European, so…

Mars needs women to warm things up, don't you know!

Coming soon, from truTV - Washington & Lee, the story of two wacky slave-owners, one a patriot, one a traitor! Both are wrenched from time and transported to the time of Andrew Jackson's presidency.

The Arkells are a great group. More Americans need to know about them. Nice people, too!

Related - often the story of my life…

This is the way to do it…

"He said the burning would have been an act of intimidation, in keeping with the KKK’s history of burning crosses to intimidate black Americans, and that the park would not allow that."

In all fairness, at least Carlson was going to burn in hell no matter what.

Especially during rainstorms where it attains umbrella functions that keep everybody dry!