
TV listings show tonight's Full Frontal as a rerun (from October 31, 2016: Sam interviews President Obama; taking on trolls, conspiracy theories and the alt-right movement.). But MAYBE it will somehow be new anyway. Just don't be surprised if it's not.

Here's a link to an interesting story at the Village Voice…

I knew, but I still thought a mention of previous white supremacist murders in a similarly named town should never be forgotten either.

But that's just it. Many Amuricans would be afraid and/or hostile towards kind, reasonable and intelligent people like you have in Canadaland (or is it Canadia?)*.
That gentle, sweet, honest stuff just don't fly down here!

While it is good to mention Charleston, and the Dylann Roof attacks, you might also mention Charlottesville too.

Ha!ifax - really? What's next - a mimefest called Sydney M!mes?

Are you anywhere near the Canadian border? You might wish to take an extended vacation there… at least until Civil War II is over.
There's lots of hockey to keep you happy in Canada!

It reminds me of that bully, or just that thin-skinned angry guy, that once you wind him up, he just goes crazy. Sort of like all those stupid types who will explode when you make a joke about their mama. I mean, really? Are you that stupid to react to something like that?

Hope is in VERY short supply these days, I'm afraid…

On Lawrence O'Donnell's show on MSNBC last night, he had a very interesting history lesson about Lee.

Yes! That was the real turning point for certain.

I have read this thrice now, and damned if it's probably something that really happens to these scumsuckers.

Yow! a "Signs" reference! Good going!

You mean their entire rotten existence?

So you are saying you are the Anti-Trump?
By all means you must start using your giant hands for good!

Well, someone may have followed you, but you would know if you were extreme trolled as they would attack you and try to impersonate you, like they did to me.
Sounds like that hasn't happened to you, luckily.

But doesn't the motion in the ocean go counter-clockwise there?
You know, the Coriolanus Effect, first discovered by Prof. W. Shakespeare of the University of Woolamaloo!

Yes, we all assume you are Swedish chess teacher!

In my case, I made some comments on Mother Jones, which also uses Disqus. An alt-right asshole didn't like what I said and started coming here and other places using Disqus that I posted on, and made nasty, but not defamatory comments.

Funny how one could easily think this is about Kinja, or life in general in the Trump era.