
I wouldn't mind a knock-down drag-out fight between The Mooch and Liam Gallagher.
That's a fight just waiting to happen!

Uh, need I say…

The enemies of our walking enema are our friends?

Oh, so live reports on the carnage and death, instead of having to wait for it - just like the Olympics!

In addition to reports that the alt-right troops threw bottles of water and urine, was at least one mentioning a chemical, which I unfortunately did know hear which it was. But if it was hydrochloric acid, and it came back to bite the guy who threw it in the first place, fine by me.


I will not accuse your in-laws of being repulsive people, but I think that as sweet and kind and innocent and God-fearing as some of the people that voted may claim to be, that a large percentage of them are just repulsive people themselves.
We certainly saw lots of them this weekend who arrived with helmets, masks,

Actually the phrase has been used for quite awhile by some who want everybody on the left to think exactly like they do, but today they are mostly just called assholes.
See the poster 'recognitions' for an example.

Oh, you mean on that show where they allowed real-life drunk bigoted asshole Chevy Chase to play one on TV.

Paraguay, perhaps? Where the Nazi gentleman sleep all day?

I think we know which side the Drumpf family was likely on!

A longtime right-wing lie has been that Socialists are Nazis because the actual name of the latter party was the National Socialists. But what they intentionally forget is that Hitler named them that to pretend that he was with the people, but it was all a big lie on his part, and everybody knew that.

Hey, JEB Bush called this out for what it was too, and used the words "white supremacists"!

Vas about BMW?!

Fox News - We Report. You… Genocide.

Did you say your mom is a page? That's what I read,

Ivanka Quisling has a nice ring to it too.

"He's been repulsive for fucking decades, how is any of it new to them?"…

And that should not be surprising, as that famous picture with Flynn sitting next to Trump at a dinner for the RT network shows Stein across the table from them.

But see, it's the "…and all extremist groups…" that is still a dog whistle to the white supremacists, cause Trump and his Klan in the White House believe that groups of liberals and even moderates are the real extremist groups.