
Right. While there is a particular group that decided to call themselves 'Antifa', after anti-fascist (frankly I think it's a stupid name), that group are nowhere near a majority of the people protesting. And indeed, the right does label anyone that protests as 'antifa'.

And yet, by writing that post, you opposed nihilism!

Brilliant idea!

Arundel, I have agreed with you on most things in the past, and I do here also, BUT, the people that are described as 'Antifa' were not named by anyone else but themselves. Period.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you said that.
But to people who actually watch Rachel Maddow, it's quite obvious that she would not even think those words, let alone say them.

Well, one thing is clear - Hitler certainly has impressed many vegans, as many of them get very vile and nasty and hateful of people who are not vegan.

Just connect those stapled batteries to 200 horses, and jot down their individual reactions when you turn on the current.

If your passwords exist for more than 4 hours, contact your systems administer!

Not in my case - the 5th and 6th digits of my SSN are not my birth year - I was NOT born in 1902 (or 2002).
Also some of the higher 1xx numbers are from Pennsylvania.

Muntz 4-track tapes or nuthin'!

That's why you use a decoy, or one that's actually someone else's password!

4. What… is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?

For the real thing…

CBS will impose a gagh order on you!

But, you see, NBC has failed with this (except for Seth Meyers), cause Fallon is a complete tool and sucks up to/sucks off Trump and his cronies. Even James Corden (!) does a better take on Trump than Fallon.
So they have to rake in those big 'dis Trump' bucks before he goes away (hopefully soon) and NBC has no-one

Well, that certainly agrees with my knowledge. Thanks for verifying that!

Well, if anyone knows about extortion, the Mango Don knows.

"Their Chevy Chase's depiction of Gerald Ford was just a guy who fell down a lot."
Can't blame the whole SNL crew for the lack of talent of one of the unfunniest people ever.

i believe his wife left him quite awhile ago, but also she was going to let him see his son, but he was too busy sucking up to Trump to take the time to see the kid.

That happened to a number of stations when Fox started getting popular. In Cleveland the CBS station got booted to channel 19, and in Binghamton, NY, the NBC station, which was on channel 40 changed to Fox, and there was no NBC station there for decades - they could only get one on cable from Elmira!