
Onions? You had onions? We were lucky to have scallions!

Cricket bats work pretty well too, especially if while you're taking to bat to a guy's head, you simultaneously take the wicket to his privates.

If only I could solve that 'solution' solution!

Read my comment above about how some of us live so far away from stations that even the best
late-nite-TV antenna will NOT pick up any stations.
Plus in the early days of Fox, even some big cities did not have a Fox station.

We have more vacuousness now.

Actually you do if you live in a valley where the closet stations are 50 miles way.
In the early days of TV, you could only get TV if you live on the hills,and even that was shaky.

You mean Mu-metal?

¿Señor Plow?

No - Ray Jay.

The parchment scroll of this statement has been put into a hermetically sealed capsule, and is on its way back to its home planet.

You wouldn't want a shiny new McLaren instead of that rusty old monorail??
Pshaw, I say!

Kinja was never alive in the first place.

"Did 1997 contain the worst two weeks in music history?"

I understand what you are saying here, but I think that the thing that made him different is that his guitar playing was mostly acclaimed on other people's work, not his own.
And just from the comments here, many people did not know about his session work, evn on songs they've heard forever.

i just told a story about seeing him in 2014 up above, and I realise I forgot to mention that even with his trouble forgetting lyrics, that when he got to the guitar solos it was like he was a different person - it was amazing.

You are very right. I saw Glen and his children on that 2014 tour, and while he did have prompters that he used, sometimes he'd look towards his daughter Ashley, and you could see her mouthing the words to get him back on track. I was in the front row, and I could see the look of love that she had in her eyes for her

Yes, that Glen Campbell was a British guitarist who was in a number of British bands.
I know I have some albums that he was on.

Ah, yes! I'd forgotten the ska-punk label.

Well, the main band was mentioned here in these comments - No Doubt - which I can't imagine being called ska, but many people do. And were are some other 4-piece bands, whose names escape me - mainly cause they don't interest me. But no doubt everybody knows No Doubt.

I mostly agree, but disagree about 'ska'.