
Well, you said 'why don't I', and then mentioned moobs, and I got the impression that you were seeing that as a negative - so I misunderstood that part, I'll admit.

I fortunately live in a downtown area that is simple to navigate, and easy to find addresses in. I live on North ****** St, and the major address problem tends to be mail delivered to me for South ****** St. As far as I've known, I've never had a package delivered to South.
Also, I'm on a corner, so for food delivery

You made a mistake. Yes, they were not 'rock & roll', but they certainly were 'rock' - a label that contains much more that just 'rock & roll'.

Agree on the first part, but not the second. No Doubt were NOT a ska band.

Uh, I was quoting/mocking you, but I guess you were too stupid to see that.
No surprise.

"Bands make their money via merch"
A great reason right there to buy CDs and/or vinyl from them at gigs.

"CDs are laughably inconvenient and impractical garbage compared to digital formats pops. That's cool if you have a nostalgia woody for them, me too, but going to a store and spending many bucks on a CD you're taking a chance on because another musician you like mentioned it in passing in an interview is pretty

Piano rolls without the piano!

Actually the reason for that is very well-known. Loads of new people (not fans) bought Automatic For The People on the strength of "Everbody Hurts", and thinking they were going to get another relatively 'quiet' album (for R.E.M.), they found a Monster, a gloriously loud, noisy, well… monster of an album.

They were great when I saw them in 2013. Hadn't gotten a chance to see them before.

She smashed down the barriers between sexy female pop singers and overtly sexual untalented 'singers' who made videos.

And what she did with that notoriety definitely changed rock ruined music.

Only if it's the one by Emmylou Harris.

What did Preacher (from the show of the same name) say to Eugene?

And we're supposed to care about this untalented virus why?

Newhart was on Conan last night and it was great too. Have to check out that Tavis show.

"T. Hee III"
Tee hee eee!

I can see both sides of the issue. Those two are not 'official' films and the rights are held by different groups, which might make it a problem just in that regard. But I can see a valid reason for them being included.
In any case, I think the woman is likely just out for the money as someone has pointed out, rightly,

Don't really care for his music, but if this is what he wants, I'm totally fine with that.
A thing I find interesting/amusing is that a couple of years back, he played a small club in my small city, and I and some others thought it wouldn't sell.

Yeah. Jerry Orbach used to steal his lunch money and made him cry - every damned day (and twice on Wednesdays).