
I was… 42!
Calls up your mom for a date, but she can't go cause she didn't have a babysitter!

Yep! I believe there is an intersection where three of them meet, but a couple of others are nowhere near that area.

More than in Hamilton, or London, or Goderich?

What??? It replaced the Chevrolet Acadian Canso sport coupe????

Well, I wouldn't think that a PAC set up for Pence's future political interests could give money to Trump, not that they might try that!

It's certainly required to have awful approval ratings to get impeached by the people who are impeaching him, i.e. Congress. But the Trump Tykes have already gone so far off the reservation, that they may decide that if Congress impeached Pence, he must be the right guy for them in the same way they liked that the

Well, they ARE The Village Green Preservation Society!

Haircut 3000 AD - I AM THE COIFF!

Well, I think the phrase tends to mean not liberal or conservative, but in the middle, which is not necessarily a bad think, depending on who's doing it.

I was making the point that Obama's not as liberal as many say. I was fine with him, but many thought he was too centrist.

I can almost do that better. One time a woman wrote a note about a film she thought was too naughty, and the note said that this should be in the red section.

They can have a second audio track where Englebert Humperdinck sings it instead.

But couldn't that Hasslhoff be Hasselhoff-Prime and the other one be from another dimension, previously unknown in the MCU?

The latter - 100%. Because a collector would get it, and also hope that another set with those 2 missing films would be released, and get that too, and would thereby have a collectible in their hands with the original.

It is, but as record collector, I understand. A good example is a couple of box set of The Doors that only contain the albums he was on.
Many people forget (or don't even know) that the remaining three members made two albums afterwords, "Other Voices" and "Full Circle". The first of those two is actually pretty good,

Outside where I work, a county building, and also a major local bus stop, there are numerous (upwards of 10) signs that say 'No Smoking Within 25 Feet'.
Needless to say, many of the smokers lean on those signs, and I imagine most of them don't even see the signs.

And there must've been a dog, too.

And his entire run of The Saint!

Except that's NOT part of the song whatsoever. That was just part of the film music that Capitol tacked on to the beginning of the album, in the same way that they shoved the film music between the other songs on the album. Never should have been there in the first place.

With cheese?