
Of course, apart from the issue of the non-EON productions, as soon as a new Bond film is released, and the subsequent DVD/Blu-ray, it then makes the set untrue in both ways.
Will she then turn around and sue them again?

And this comment too!

Last week Colbert made a point of saying he was going to sue trump for stealing the idea, and then ran another 'Real News Tonight' segment that was one of the best ever.

What, you have a day to celebrate Honda Civics in Canada? Yow!

Well, yes - but how loooooooooooooong ago was that?

Once I had a mullet, I made it fly. Made it a follicular crime.
Once I built a salon, now it's done. Brother, can you spare a comb?

Well… I am…

"if any liberal had been elected president"
Uh, remind me when one ever was?

May 18, 2017 - "Vice President Mike Pence is launching his own PAC — the “Great America Committee” — to aid his own future political interests"

"And if that happens, he sure as hell won't have the support to win the Presidency"

Haircut 100?

I laugh out loud at the idea of Jesus too!

What took you so long to respond? Did it take you that long to get your marching orders from your handlers/owners?
For someone of your alleged (but clearly deficient) intelligence, I would've thought you'd been on this like a shot. But maybe your bosses are unreachable of Sundays. Whatever.

What took you so long, you repressive, anti-human scold?

Yes, we do have strange shit like that in NY. It's something that a vast number of Americans don't know. They think of us as a 'deep blue' state, but when you have traitors becoming DINOs and causing a seismic shift that allows them to help quash good bills and help bring about gerrymandering of the worst sort, it's

That's a great thought which I admit I didn't think about.

I missed this one from earlier, and I'm sorry for that.

Most of them - yes.

What about Jefferson?

Uh, stupidhead, nobody really 'joins' a website, unless you work for that website. You are just commenting here, and can be gone as soon as you decide to go or are banned.