@consistently Where do you live? I definitely see less assholes in A4s (and even S4s) in the Northwest corner of the USA.
@consistently Where do you live? I definitely see less assholes in A4s (and even S4s) in the Northwest corner of the USA.
Yes, it's unfortunate. I think anything newer than an E30 or anything modified makes you look like more of an asshole as well. And a fair majority of those drivers are. Especially just east of Seattle.
I first fooled around in a late 90s Suburban. Plenty of room in there.
Sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing, my favorite part was your accommodations. Now that I know that's an option, I might make it to Monaco after all. Someday.
I'm with Hooner on that one. Though my favorite is still the early 90s body style.
Also, I drive a 1982 Toyota Tercel SR5. Where should this go on the cool wall? (Question open to all)
Ben, thanks so much for joining us. I revere you as a driving hero of mine. I can't think of any good questions, so I will just add some noise: