
My auto god requires blood sacrifices. Yours sounds much more friendly.

From what I could find, he worked with a crash test center in Ohio.

Also known as a partial Eclipse.

Serendipitous. I pulled the head off my beater DSM last night due to a snapped timing belt. 16 bent valves.

5th Gear: You mean these signs? Cool to know. Since they were just outside Chrysler’s HQ, I figured they were the ones using them.

So does this have something to do with the QR codes on the construction signs near Chrysler Dr on SB I75? When I saw it, my first thought was that an OEM was using it for some sort of V2I testing. I don’t venture directly into the Square Lake/I75 interchange too often, so I’m not sure if there are additional signs

I promised to love forever and for always, someone that feeds my addiction. Is that far enough for ya? I put a ring on it!

And to further this comment, it doesn’t necessarily need to be a supercapacitor bank for 48V based units. There are 12V units that use boost converters and supercapacitors to deliver the higher current required (I=P/V). These are active for a very short perior of time, so the energy required is small (E=P·Δt). The

Limit of $500 to buy the car. Then a limit of $200 for “performance or appearance enhancing mods”. Race for the weekend and then sell them to recoup your money. Points scored in all the usual categories. Winner decided with extreme bias.

It’s me. And I have no idea. I plan to see him (in Philly) in 2 weeks.

Don’t tempt me with a good time...

Oh yeah. Quite familiar. He seems to have started posting YouTube videos at around the same time I was fading out of the DSM scene. I had to do adult things, like work 40 hours of week, while finishing up my degree, while living somewhere with no access to a garage. Now that I have a real job and own a house with a

If you don’t mind removing a rats nest of poorly installed SAFC’s, MAF-T’s, and EBC’s, there are still some deals to be had. As long as the mechanicals haven’t been fiddled with too much, it’s pretty easy to reverse most of the wiring.

I bought my 97 Talon TSi AWD (used) senior year of high school because I wanted AWD and a turbo. I didn’t even realize it shared the same bones as an Eclipse. That car forced me to learn how to wrench. Surprise!

I noticed at least a 5 hp improvement. Also, $500 beaters make for the best bachelor party weekend ever.

What you really want is a 1st gen Mazda MPV.