Daily Drives a Dragon - ripOPPO

I have this dream that sometime in the future, when it comes down to the last drops of available gas, everyone pulls off their goofy masks, puts down their weapons, and comes together to fill the tank of some old V12. Preferably a Ferrari, because, you know, passion and stuff. Then they stand together in silent

It was more useful than any of your comments

I can!

How did you recover?

Hi, I’m Phil Swift.   Duct tape an epoxy taking up too much space in your took box? Make more room with new Zero-Gravity Flex Seal!

Carry on to Hayward, son. There’ll be peace when you are done. Drop the flaps to 35. Don’t you fly no more.

or he will use bull dozers to crush all of the people illegally imported into the US

Fast forward a month...

very first post is victim blaming. good fucking job.

Why are you being so mean?

I can very easily understand the White House’s disgust with those gaming clips.

I spent last (austral) winter down at MCM. While they’re not doing winter flights this year, they did last year, and seeing a C-17 do a NVG landing on a pitch black ice runway is something else.

If he’ll do any car, would should send him MBs Yugo. I’ll chip in $2.

I assume you haven’t seen the rest of the video.


It’s a pity this is belt drive, ‘cause you’ll never break a chain!

The guy at MaxMind seems pretty cool about fixing the problem.